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P S Gilmore , the Famine and now this disgusting idea that we have a laugh about the HUNGER .!!!!!

As someone who is working on the story of one of the most famous of those Famine Refugees Patrick S Gilmore who escaped the famine in 1849 , and as someone who knows this man as well as most did in his life I can say without doubt that he would be disgusted that 150 years later we would be working on a comedy about the people he saw dying in Ballygar ,Athlone ,in Dublin , in Boston, on the ships ,being thrown overboard . From Roanoke Island Battlefield he wrote back to his editor " I eat as…


Added by Jarlath MacNamara on January 5, 2015 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

Nollaig na mBan Men’s Chore List

Alright, lads. Your lady is out celebrating Nollaig na mBan (Women’s Christmas) with her girlfriends. Traditionally, this is your turn to take on a larger share of the household chores. Here are a…


Added by Kelly O'Rourke on January 5, 2015 at 6:30am — 9 Comments

'Women's Christmas' in Ireland

January 6th is celebrated in Ireland as "Women's Christmas" (Nollaig na mBan).  More commonly known in other parts of the world as the Feast of the Epiphany, it marks the end of the Christmas period in Ireland.  It is known as "Women's Christmas" because of the…


Added by Dee Notaro on January 5, 2015 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

Heritage Partner
My Granny O'Rourke

My Granny O'Rourke was the was the mainstay of our household. The Kavanagh family was made up of five children, Mam and Dad, and Granny's other grandchild (Terry) whom she also raised (read "That's Just  How It Was").  We lived with her and she had a huge influence on all our…


Added by That's Just How It Was on January 4, 2015 at 6:30am — 7 Comments

This Week in the History of the Irish: January 4 - January 10

Courtesy of the New York Public Library

A drawing of the British siege lines at Charleston in 1780.

DOMHNAIGH -- On January 4,…


Added by The Wild Geese on January 3, 2015 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Irish Holocaust as Subject of Comedy Series? Here's How You Can Voice Your Objection

Screenwriter Hugh Travers is now writing Hungry, a sitcom about the famine commissioned by Channel 4 in Ireland.  Hungry came  came about after Channel 4 read one of the 31-year-old Dubliner's other scripts and gave him an open commission for a sitcom. “Any idea I wanted –…


Added by Fran Reddy on January 1, 2015 at 9:00pm — 24 Comments

Heritage Partner
My Childhood in Ireland

I was born on the the 8th of January in 1945 -- the year the war ended in Europe.  By chance, I also share  a birthday with Elvis Presley.  He would have been 80 years old on the 8th of January, 2015.  

My memories of my birthday are very precious. This was due to the fact…


Added by That's Just How It Was on January 1, 2015 at 7:00am — 9 Comments

The Real Honor Bright

Mary Kate Neill was born on June 11th, 1900 in the tiny township of Graiguenaspiddoge in County Carlow. The 1901 census shows her ten months old. Her mother was Catherine or Kate Neill (née Cullen) aged 38, and her father Michael Neill aged 51. Born in 1850 just after the potato famine of 1845-7, he was a blacksmith. Graiguenaspiddoge was a row of 28 houses beside a main road in the countryside,…


Added by Patricia Louise Hughes on January 1, 2015 at 5:59am — 1 Comment

The Origins of 'January'

Originally recorded as January, Janaway, Jenery, Jennery, Jennardy, in England, Janvier (France) Janer and Jane in Spain, Januario in Portugal, Gennaro and Zannari (Italy) and many others, and recorded throughout Europe, this is a name of truly ancient origins. It has…


Added by Dee Notaro on January 1, 2015 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

Fighting the Vampire: Irish Commandos in the Boer War

(Above: The Irish Brigade who fought alongside the Boers against the British army in the Anglo-Boer War. Col. John Blake is sitting in the front row 2nd to the left of the concertina player.

In far-off Africa to-day the English fly dismayed…


Added by Joe Gannon on December 31, 2014 at 8:00pm — 7 Comments

Ath-Bhlian Faoi Mhaise Daoibh! (Happy New Year to You!)

Count your blessings instead of your crosses.

Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes.

Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears.

Count your courage instead of your fears.…


Added by Brian Nolan on December 31, 2014 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Founding Member
More UnBroken - Tom Gerrity Still in the Fight With 'Mortimer' - 1942

Back:  P/O Allen R. Page (RAAF) - Capt. Smiling Tom P. Gerrity - M/Sgt Melvin E. Owens - Sgt. Al Fawe - Cpl. Ed D. Connor                                                 

Front: T/Sgt Al Simmons - T/Sgt James G. Westbrook - Unknown -…


Added by Pat Hickey on December 31, 2014 at 7:00am — No Comments

Founding Member
Un Broken and American Heroism


To the Officers and Enlisted men of the of the 27thBombardment Group (L) dead or missing in action in the

Philippine Islands, Australia Java, and New Guinea, we

dedicate this book and all our efforts to repay, ten thousand

times over, the Japanese for every one of our men lost.…


Added by Pat Hickey on December 31, 2014 at 6:51am — No Comments

Mr William Butler and Mrs George Yeats

When Olivia Shakespear introduced her ex-lover, W.B. Yeats, to her niece-by-marriage, Georgie, in London in 1917 she knew he was looking for a young wife and hoped they would be compatible. From…


Added by Patricia Louise Hughes on December 31, 2014 at 4:07am — 5 Comments

Ryan O'Rourke's O'Sullivan Beare Story

I found the story quite heart-rending, especially as O'Sullivan is my maternal grandmother's name. When I first went in search of the family farm in Bounard, Rathmore, Kerry, I asked a farmer for directions and he asked: "Is that O'Sullivan Beare?" I had no idea what he meant but said "yes" anyway. After many more visits to the family farm, I found this signpost at the bottom…


Added by Margaret M. Johnson on December 30, 2014 at 9:40am — 2 Comments

The Wild Geese Top Ten in 2014

A.D. 2014 has been a magnificent year for The Wild Geese Irish Social Network.  As this year draws to a close, we thought it would be interesting to compile the most popular articles and videos from the community.  Depending on how new you are to The Wild Geese…


Added by The Wild Geese on December 28, 2014 at 8:30am — No Comments

This Week in the History of the Irish: December 28 - January 3

WGT photo by Joe Gannon

Carriganuss Castle, an O'Sullivan castle just outside of Glengariff

CÉADAOIN -- On December 31, 1602, Dónall O'Sullivan Beare and his clan…


Added by The Wild Geese on December 27, 2014 at 7:55pm — No Comments

What To Do Between Christmas and the New Year?

Yes indeed, what to do?  After the festivities are festivitied - after all the ceremonies, the lighting of candles, the opening of presents, the cooking and the eating…


Added by Eoin Mac Lochlainn on December 27, 2014 at 7:00am — 4 Comments

Wren Day Festivities

A wee bit of a Wren Day celebration in my home ground... Armagh..

Added by Bit Devine on December 26, 2014 at 12:11pm — No Comments

Irish-American New Year's Traditions

New Year’s eve had been celebrated with cheerful noise for many years, but in New York City on December 31, 1888, that all changed with the formal addition of music to the annual celebration and it took an Irishman to do it. In those early days, the tiny triangle of land at the…


Added by Mike McCormack on December 24, 2014 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

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