Conveying Your Brand’s Irish Story ... 'Wherever Green Is Worn'

Every brand has a story, and Irish brands have a particularly compelling story for our tens of thousands of monthly readers, followers, and members. When all is said and done, it's your story, as much as your value proposition, that makes your brand appealing. (John Rampton, 'The Changing Form of Digital Advertising,' The Huffington Post, Feb. 13, 2014)

Understanding that, our offer is simple: We connect marketers of Irish-related goods and services with the thousands of individuals who visit our pages each week, global consumers who care deeply about the Irish experience.

If you are:

. . . interested in connecting with people who cherish Irish heritage
. . . selling or promoting items, services and experiences that advance our Irish culture
. . . eager to build lasting relationships with the Irish diaspora that will project your brand even further

... then, without a doubt, TheWildGeese.Irish Heritage Partnership will benefit you.

We work everyday to build bridges between those who treasure their Irish ancestry and champion Irish culture and those marketers who support their pursuits. As the only social network in the world focused on exploring and celebrating the epic heritage of the Irish, we build and maintain those bridges, in the words of William Butler Yeats, “wherever green is worn.”

When 1,000 is better than 1 million

“The future of the Internet is highly targeted,” notes social media marketing consultant Stephanie Frasco in a recent article in Social Media Today, adding “it is much better to have an extremely targeted audience of 1,000 than a non-engaged audience of 1 million.” (“6 Things Small Businesses Should Know About Niche Sites and Online...)

Communities such as TheWildGeese.Irish are playing a growing role in the online world. And the best communities are those whose audience is active and engaged. Where an audience is engaged and active, there is conversation. Our members have posted more than 7,000 articles, photos, video links and discussions since the network launched in March 2013, in turn, helping grow our community to well over 4,000 individuals, residing in dozens of countries and six continents.

Our community has vast and deep Irish cultural interests. If your target market does, too, you will find them here -- conversing and engaging in ever-growing numbers.

"Explore your interests," shouts a headline from USA Weekend (July 11-13, 2014). "Use the Internet to find people who share your passions, or read articles by people who practice your hobby as a career." In a world where a fast-growing array of media outlets competes for consumers' attention, online communities such as The Wild Geese are appealing, engaging -- and vital. 

Notes technology journalist Larry Magid about media: "If you're focused on something that's meaningful, it won't matter that there are too many options." The Wild Geese -- the Irish worldwide -- are coming home, increasingly finding their way to our pages.

Let’s Connect You and Your Target Irish Audience:

When you become one of The Wild Geese Irish Heritage Partners, we work together to craft a marketing program -- with true engagement -- designed to fit your budget and your needs, allowing you to blend content marketing and run-of-the-site advertising, with exclusive, high-profile sponsorships of special events and content within The Wild Geese community, which becomes your community as well.

These ongoing -- but unique -- sponsored events include features such as our hugely popular Quizzes and 'Crosswords at the Crossroads,' food and beverage tastings and video interviews (hosted in our vaunted ‘Virtual Sibins’), community-wide chat sessions, and special content focuses and series. 24 / 7 / 365, we are committed to promoting our Heritage Partners, in ways both impactful and far-reaching.

If you are looking to create more brand awareness, fast, consider The Wild Geese Premium Irish Heritage Partnership. Our Premium Partnership projects your brand to each visitor, carried on every page a visitor views, displayed during each visit to any of our pages, creating a projected 40,000-50,000 marketing impressions each month.

The Wild Geese: Come Soar With The Irish Worldwide

With your sponsorship, you can interact with your target market, limited only by your own energies, passion and vision. Using your unique brand profile within The Wild Geese, you can build your following and attract brand evangelists, by posting articles, photos, video and audio links to promote your brand. Use the provided social-media widgets to promote your content using your other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Here are stats from March 2016, the most highly trafficked March (including St. Patrick's Day) in our three-plus year history:

Monthly Pageviews: 57,602

Monthly Visits: 34,309 (29,367 unique visitors)

Twitter Followers: 4,000+*

Facebook Followers: 16,000+*

Community Members (and Newsletter Recipients): 4,400+ and growing steadily!*

Each visitor on average spends nearly 2 minutes exploring our pages. As well, our weekly newsletter has a 23.8% open rate, nearly 40% higher than the media industry average. Our click rate of 7.7% is more than double the media industry average of 3.8% (per

* As of May 16, 2016.

Our Members, The Truest of the True:

Average Age: 57, well-educated, well-traveled, with plenty of discretionary income -- and the inclination to spend it pursuing their passion for Irish history and heritage ... worldwide.
Women: 50.9%, Men: 49.1%
United States: 67%, Ireland: 15%, United Kingdom 5%, Canada 4%, Australia 2%, New Zealand, Argentina, and Jamaica 1%, The Rest Worldwide!

According to intake polling of our membership, 29% travel to Ireland at least every five years. Of our total membership, 10% fly to Ireland annually, and 10% fly several times a year. This indicates that about 800 of our 4,000+ members fly to Ireland at least yearly! Add in a commensurate proportion of the 14,000+ monthly visitors to our pages who are new to TheWildGeese.Irish -- the hundreds of frequent visitors to Ireland viewing our pages likely turn out to be thousands each month.

Meanwhile, 42% of our members have never visited Ireland, with most seeking only a cost-effective, and manageable means to get there to fulfill this real longing. Clearly, for marketers of lodging and travel to and from Ireland, there are huge opportunities within TheWildGeese.Irish's pages.

Here's what some of our Irish Heritage Partners are saying:

TheWildGeese.Irish team has provided gold dust to our North American campaign for “Jimmy’s Hall.” They’ve created a terrifically effective marketing platform, reaching out to the committed Irish diaspora. Through our months-long U.S. rollout, we’ve really reached Irish hearts via their team's support and personal touch. We can’t imagine how else we could have had such a fantastic response. Thanks so much!  

-- Rebecca O’Brien, Producer and Partner, Sixteen Films, London, U.K.

I want to thank The Wild Geese for inviting me to become a Heritage Partner. I participated in my first Live Community Chat on Friday, August 1, and "connected" with so many great people, especially Lisa McGee, ISLE Magazine and (fellow) Heritage Partner. I live in NY and she in Tipperary and we've already started to make plans to work together on a special project. Stay tuned! Great investment for anyone looking to promote their Irish business. 

-- Margaret Johnson, Flavors of Ireland, expert cook and food writer, Westhampton Beach, N.Y.

I am a proud member of The Wild Geese. I am not the kind of person who spends hours searching the web, but I visit The Wild Geese site several times a week, as they offer an amazingly consistent stream of interesting articles on all things Irish. The range of articles keeps things from ever getting predictable: travel, food, music, reading, biography, and my favorite, the fascinating, complex history of Ireland and its people. Fascinating, challenging, and informative!

-- Mark Bois, author of 'The Lockwoods of Clonakilty' and 'Lieutenant and Mrs. Lockwood'

The Wild Geese provides a wealth of fascinating online writing about the Irish and Ireland, at home and around the world, and we can't get enough of it! We're learning more and more every day. The social network also offers members a great opportunity to socialise in the digital world and come together in the real world - and as a business provides us with a great community to engage with and to whom we can promote our films and receive feedback. Keep up the good work. 

-- Denis Dwyer, Commercial Manager, Atom Films, Dublin, Ireland

The Irish Store is proud to partner with The Wild Geese social network, as its ethos and beliefs mirror our own. We at The Irish Store work each day to provide a world-class online shopping experience, as well as a sense of community among Irish Americans and others of Irish ancestry. This, in large measure, is why we feel strongly about nurturing our ties with The Wild Geese -- its team works so effectively in bringing together ever more people looking to explore and celebrate Irish heritage.

-- Ruth Endicott, Content and Promotions Executive, The Irish Store, Dublin, Ireland

We are a record label trying to get the most relevant exposure for our artists. We recently ran a promotion in conjunction with The Wild Geese that featured a compilation CD we made with the writer, guitarist Larry Kirwan. The promotion was cutting edge, with The Wild Geese directing traffic to our website for consumers interested in music. We were very pleased with the results. While it is still very early days for these kinds of promotions, the click through from The Wild Geese was among the highest of our partners. And The Wild Geese referrals spent more time on our site than our other promotion partners. 

-- Jon Birge, Director, Valley Entertainment, New York, N.Y.

When asked to recommend an online space that gives people the opportunity to dig deep into topics of Irish cultural significance, I point to The Wild Geese. While providing members with the ability to connect and share thoughts and opinions, and add content of their own, The Wild Geese also gives its members a wide array of other benefits, including contests, videos and most importantly, a welcoming and friendly environment to celebrate their Irish heritage. Since the formation of our recent media partnership, has seen a steady and significant increase in visitors coming directly from The Wild Geese. These new readers, clearly passionate about Irish travel and culture, are exactly the kind suited to

-- Liam O'Connell, Founder,, San Diego, Calif.

There is always something fascinating on The Wild Geese!

-- Claire Fullerton, author of 'A Portal in Time" and "Dancing to an Irish Reel'

This site is without a doubt the best there is. The history, folklore stories, food recipes are so informative and enjoyable.

-- Geraldine Callaghan, Proud Member, Tuckerton N.J.           

Discover What Marketers Have Found at The Wild Geese:

How To Best Engage Devotees of Irish Culture ... Worldwide:

One. Join TheWildGeese.Irish Heritage Partnership. Use this link: We offer an option to join for 3 months, 6 months or 12 months, but the most cost-effective term is 12 months. Relationship marketing is at the heart of our collective efforts, so we suggest going for 'the full monty.' The rates are available here.

Two. Have our team create your organization’s unique Profile. The setup is included in the annual fee, along with $100 of digital (or newsletter) advertising, which can be used at any time within the following two months, and supplemented with additional purchases. Or your team can set up the profile and listing yourselves. It’s easy for those with basic HTML / social-media skills.

Three. Create engagement with potentially tens of thousands of readers each month by posting content under your Wild Geese profile, including articles, photos, events listings, and links to videos and audio, all of which highlight your organization’s work, mission, products and / or services, and unique Irish story. This is the content-marketing piece at the heart of our Partnership.

Four. Our team highlights your most impactful content on our homepage, and promotes it via our other social media, including Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. Our automated leaderboard, found on virtually everyone of our pages, highlights the most popular content on The Wild Geese in something close to real time. Our more active marketers find these rankings, which link to their WG profiles, can provide thousands of additional marketing impressions each day.

Five. In the spirit of partnership, to promote your work, along with The Wild Geese community — your team shares links to outstanding and supportive WG content — that which you are creating and that created by your fellow WG members -- via your social media. This fosters 360-degree engagement, and bon ami between all stakeholders, that is, WG members and Heritage Partners. And it also supports the heritage that our Partnership is committed to promoting!

Six. Use our Digital Advertising Program to cost-effectively extend your reach on our pages. Do so with utter flexibility and ease: Select the ad format you want, provide the creative, along with the range dates for this initiative, and what geographic area you want to focus your marketing efforts. Our team will do the rest, projecting your brand against the canvas of our more than 10,000 content pages (a figure, BTW, growing daily).

Seven. Make sure you read TheWildGeese.Irish Heritage Partnership's marketers newsletter for more tips. Click here for our premier edition.

Our Digital Advertising Program, which complements your content-marketing efforts on TheWildGeese.Irish, offers you a choice of ad formats and positions, potentially delivered through all our tens of thousands of pages, in rotation with other Partners’ creative. Ads can run from one month to many months, and everything in between. Your digital ad buy can start at $100 and is sold on a cost per thousand impressions basis, also known as CPM. We are also able to offer you geographically targeted ads, if you wish to only reach people in a certain region.

Your creative can be displayed in any of the following formats: 160x600 (Wide Skyscraper), 120x600 (Skyscraper), 468x60 (full banner), 728x90 (Leaderboard) and 180x150 (Rectangle). Our CPM ranges from $10 to $16, depending on format. You'll find more info on these options, including the rates, here.

You can also promote your brand with an advert in our weekly newsletter, which goes to more than 4,000 subscribers each Sunday ... worldwide.

Note: The Wild Geese Irish Heritage Partnerships and Digital Advertising initiatives are payable in advance.


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Wide Skyscraper

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