In the early evening they would gather in the grove, beneath the sheltering embrace of the sacred white oak tree. The Master had carefully dowsed the area, and had chosen it for the serene beauty and peaceful aura. The salmon-filled, crystal clear waters of the river wound a course through the…
Added by John Anthony Brennan on October 28, 2021 at 6:58pm — 9 Comments
I've been down in the green valley, the holy place.
Added by John Anthony Brennan on March 20, 2021 at 8:00pm — 9 Comments
At the Ould Lammas Fair boys were you ever there
Were you ever at the Fair In Ballycastle-O?
Did you treat your Mary Ann
To some Dulse and Yellow Man
At the…
Added by John Anthony Brennan on August 1, 2017 at 6:30pm — 3 Comments
This year’s shortest day of the year is on Wednesday, December 21, which will also mark the longest night of the year. Every year, the winter solstice marks the turn of the calendar as autumn ends and the winter begins. From an astronomical standpoint, the winter solstice means that the two opposite points in the…
ContinueAdded by John Anthony Brennan on December 21, 2016 at 1:00am — 2 Comments
Like their economy, which was based on planting, growing and harvesting, the Celtic calendar was centered around the Sun and agriculture and determined by a lunar calendar. The four major feasts were…
ContinueAdded by Mike McCormack on October 30, 2016 at 11:30am — 1 Comment
Within the written she resides
in quiet assurance of her place.
Lithe and languid, with regal mien,
she glides from the page bearing gifts.
The mantle, flowing through the ages,
envelops her in verity profound.
Gently musing all the while,
in soft tones of…
ContinueAdded by John Anthony Brennan on August 26, 2016 at 8:30pm — 8 Comments
Photo of Gullion courtesy of Colin Boyle.
I am Gullion, old as time itself, older than the pre-dawn of life, forged in the crucible of a ring of fire, before man existed. Up here the air is pure and fresh and crisp as the frost of winter’s breath. I’ve seen it all from up here, here by the bottomless lake, here beside…
ContinueAdded by John Anthony Brennan on August 6, 2016 at 10:30pm — 10 Comments
In October, we spent time traveling in Ireland via a tour from Wild West Irish Tours in October, a prize for winning last spring's "The Wild West of Ireland: You Won't Forget Your First…
ContinueAdded by Maureen Kelley-Olson on December 6, 2015 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments
No trip to Ireland is complete without a trip to Newgrange, a prehistoric monument in County Meath, located about 1 km north of the River Boyne. As I drove from Belfast, there were places I wanted to stop that…
ContinueAdded by The Last Torch on October 3, 2015 at 9:30am — 4 Comments
Fionn mac Cumhaill is a main character from ancient Irish legend from the 3rd century AD. He was a warrior, a chieftain, a poet and seer. Often referred to as Finn McColl, Finn MacCoul, Finn Mac Cool, Finn McCul, Fin McCool or Fionn…
Added by Totally Irish Gifts on July 8, 2015 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments
Added by Mallon, The Ancestral Foundry on May 1, 2015 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments
I hope that my examination of the stories in this series show that Irish myths and legends are not museum pieces to be taken out once in a while, dusted down, admired and then put back in a glass case. These stories are the living companions to our daily lives. They…
Added by The Wild Geese on May 1, 2015 at 2:00am — No Comments
In days long gone, at a time that is long past, the steward of Aengus the greatest magician in Ireland fathered a child by the wife of Donn a member of the Fianna. Donn was away on the battle field…
Added by Mallon, The Ancestral Foundry on April 30, 2015 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment
Lir is known to many as the father of the boys and girls turned into swans by their wicked step mother Aoife in "The Children of Lir." This is the story I only tell on very rare…
Added by The Wild Geese on April 30, 2015 at 4:08am — 1 Comment
In days long gone, at a time that is long past, Fiacc, the great raven, watched as the King of Ulster, Conor Mac Nessa arrived at the home of Phelim, a storyteller. Fiacc knew…
Added by Mallon, The Ancestral Foundry on April 29, 2015 at 2:30pm — No Comments
Whether ancient legends or modern family tales, the stories of Ireland and Scotland have all played an important role in my life. They give me great pleasure and they help provide the…
Added by The Wild Geese on April 29, 2015 at 6:00am — 4 Comments
In days long gone, at a time that is long past, there was a king of Wales called Bran, the Raven. It was a time of war, and Bran the King sought the strength of an alliance with Ireland. So a marriage…
Added by Mallon, The Ancestral Foundry on April 28, 2015 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment
Given the history of Scotland and Ireland - two sibling nations with fierce and loyal ties to each other but also marred (and often scarred) by bloody disagreement, rivalry and the power politics of these islands - it…
Added by The Wild Geese on April 28, 2015 at 3:00am — 1 Comment
In days long gone, at a time that is long past, a great salmon named Bradan rested calmly in the Pool of Wisdom on the River Boyne. The salmon fed on the nuts from the nine hazel trees growing around the pool and all the wisdom of the world became…
Added by Mallon, The Ancestral Foundry on April 27, 2015 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment
Rab is a Galway-based storyteller who originally comes from Scotland. He specialises in reimagining Irish and Scottish myths, folklore and urban legends. His "Celtic Tales" summer sessions in Galway have a strong and growing…
ContinueAdded by The Wild Geese on April 27, 2015 at 6:30am — 7 Comments
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