For the Harried, Fáilte 'Nollaig na mBan'

“Nollaig na mBan,” or “Little Women’s Christmas,” is an old custom that’s still celebrated by women all over Ireland. It goes back to the days when large families were the norm. Men never lifted a finger in the house to help, and were never expected to. If a man washed the dishes, he would be called an “auld woman” by other men. No full-blooded Irish man was prepared to risk that!

But each year, after the Christmas holiday, tired women finally got a break – for one day, at least. On January 6th (the same day as the Epiphany), men would take over of the housework, offering women a chance to go out to relax with each other

The 6th of January, or the Feast of the Epiphany, commemorates the arrival of the three Kings, or Wise Men, at the Nativity crib. It is the final day of Christmas in Ireland and is the time when all seasonal decorations have to be taken down. Failure to do so results in bad luck, so the superstition goes, unless you leave them up for a full 12 months!

This day is also known as "Little Christmas" in Ireland -- in Irish, “Nollaig na mBan,” i.e., "Women's Christmas." Traditionally, the woman of the house was given a day off after the 12 days of cooking and acting the hostess. Instead, the men would take over family responsibilities while the women went out with their friends. It was probably the only day of the year when the local bar would be full of women rather than men.

Ladies On Guinness

During my childhood, I remember excited, shawled women hurrying to the local public house. On Little Women’s Christmas, they would inhabit this man’s domain without shame. Sitting in “the snug,” a small private room inside the front door, they would pool the few shillings they’d saved for the day. Then they would drink stout and dine on thick corned beef sandwiches provided by the publican. For the rest of the year, the only time respectable women would meet for a glass of stout would be during shopping hours, and then only because it was “good for iron in the blood.”

After an initial chat about the worries and cares of the old year, a pact would be made to leave them outside the door (something that was easier to do before the advent of cell phones). For the day, they’d be as free as the birds in the sky – and well on into the evening. Late at night, with shawls dropped over their shoulders, words slurred and voices hoarse, they would always sing.

Views: 2209

Tags: Christmas, Customs, Diaspora History, Faith, Living History, Traditions

Comment by Claire Fullerton on January 6, 2016 at 9:16am

This makes it official: I'm taking the day off on this, the 6th of January. I can't wait to tell my husband why! Thank you for this priceless piece!

Heritage Partner
Comment by That's Just How It Was on January 6, 2016 at 10:54am

Lovely story  Brian Hogan . Researched it last year and wrote a blog on it ,, Still makes me smile when I read about this tradition .

Comment by michael dunne on January 9, 2016 at 7:29pm

This year we celebrated Nollaig na mBan at home. Ann was at work and normally cycles about five miles home. The weather here is very wet and stormy and so she was really pleased to be picked up by her son and driven home. All the decorations were down, the house tidied the table set and the fire lit.We had yesterdays Irish Stew for starters roast chicken par boiled vegetables, a couple of good bottles of wine, dessert and Irish Coffee to finish. Ann is a rare breed of woman who really loves her role of motherhood and cherishes her family so much. We are blessed to have her, but so much of the time she is taken for granted. I have to admit the lions share of the housework was done by her sister which she enjoyed doing. Ann like most mothers loves having dinner served up. It was a perfect evening. Thank you Brian for reminding me.  

Comment by Eileen McCormack on January 12, 2016 at 6:43pm

When I was growing up my mother always said January 6th was Christmas in Ireland and the day that all the decorations and tree were taken down. She never mentioned that the men were supposed to to that job!

Heritage Partner
Comment by That's Just How It Was on January 24, 2016 at 10:49am

michael dunne ,, you have made my day... that you and your family physically undertook this Nollaig na Mban tradition for your wife, is priceless ...

Comment by Mark Bois on January 7, 2022 at 7:57am

What a lovely tradition! Thanks for sharing that, brother.

Comment by Joe Gannon on January 10, 2022 at 12:57pm

Hi Mark. Unfortunately, our good friend Brian passed away a few years ago, but perhaps somewhere in heaven he is smiling at your complement. 

Comment by Mark Bois on January 11, 2022 at 4:51pm

May he sit at God's right hand.


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