How I Learned That Grandad Executed Erskine Childers

Do you know where you’ll be on April 24? Maybe not, but chances are you might just find yourself huddled over a form, answering innumerable questions about your personal life. Filling in the census may not be the most exciting of pastimes, but it sure is important. Without all those statistics it generates, we’d be lost in terms of planning for the future. Just as importantly, though, we’d be all at sea when it comes to the past, too.

The census proved invaluable when it came to discovering more about my grandfather Michael Lawlor (right), as part of a family-history project looking at his role during the War of Independence and Civil War.

I’d heard some snippets of stories about Michael, but not much of substance, so I decided to do some digging. I started my research with the national archives, specifically the census figures for 1901 and 1911, and I hit pay dirt.

Michael was born on August 8, 1901. According to the 1911 Census, Michael (then age 9) was one of eight children born to Elizabeth Lawlor (38) and Thomas Lawlor (36). He had seven siblings (the eldest just 13). Thomas and Elizabeth had been married 14 years by then and in that time Elizabeth had given birth to eight children. Two others died before the Census was taken. At the time, the family lived in 11.4 Francis Street (Merchants Quay, Dublin). Thomas Lawlor Sr. ran a hairdresser business in The Coombe.

The Census of 1901 showed the family living in 129.4 Francis Street, with Thomas (25), Elizabeth (28) and sons Thomas (3) and James (1). James was one of the two children not alive when the 1911 Census was taken.

After their father died, I knew that Michael had been sent to the Artane Industrial School. So, my next stop was to contact the Department of Education. I gave them Michael’s details, and they said they’d be back in touch. The lady I spoke to also pointed me towards Barnardos children’s charity, which also kept records of those who’d spent time in the industrial schools.

A few weeks later, I got a result – Barnardos had a record of Michael’s time at Artane. It turned out that a Judge MacInerney had ordered that Michael be detained there on July 24, 1913, for “wandering and not having any visible means of subsistence."

There was no record of his years within the school, but there was other information. Once he’d left, according to the industrial school register, he followed his father’s trade and apprenticed as a hairdresser. The register noted on August 16, 1917, that he “likes his place well.” On December 9, 1920, it recorded that he was “working as a journeyman."

The date is intriguing because Michael was certainly doing more than journeyman work at that time; he was also a soldier in the IRA, engaged in intelligence work – spying against the British army – for E Company, 1st Battalion, of the Dublin Brigade, during the War of Independence.

That information came courtesy of Michael’s military pension application form, which was supplied to my father as far back as 2004 by the Department of Defence. Every former soldier from those times would have filled in this form, detailing their service history, in order to obtain a pension.

According to Michael’s form, he had operated in the city centre, taking part in mobilisations, armed patrols, and “was always ready for emergencies, ambushes etc.” He states: “On Friday, March 25th, 1921, captured books and documents from B&T [Black and Tan] private car outside Knowles, Grafton Street, being employed there as a store man.”

Michael was imprisoned in Arbour Hill for five weeks at some stage between 1919 and 1921 (possibly for the action mentioned above).  Not mentioned, though, is that, according to what he told my father, he was interrogated and tortured, even having a fingernail pulled out.

His application form also states: “Acted on Intelligence staff, procuring information, notably concerning a Lieut Maj of the Welch Fusiliers, who was stationed in Moira Hotel, and who afterwards was executed.”

A little online research soon showed that the man Michael spied on was Major Geoffrey Lee Compton-Smith (2nd Welch Fusiliers, left). The hotel referred to was located at 15, Trinity Street.

Compton-Smith was actually abducted on April 16, 1921, in Blarney. He was later found with a bullet in his forehead, wearing plus-fours and in his stocking feet. He was a hero from the war – wounded twice, mentioned in dispatches six times, and won the Distinguished Service Order and the Legion of Honour.

Of course, Michael knew none of that. Nor, I suspect, did he know that moments before he was killed, the Major wrote a poignant letter of farewell to his wife and daughter, and even managed to bequeath his watch to the IRA officer who was about to execute him.

It was rewarding to find such information and being able to link it to my grandfather. It somehow made his military service more real.

One final piece from his application form: “Had access to Dublin Castle delivering goods to H Coy B&T’s officers mess, and there secured information which was duly passed on to our i o’s [Intelligence officer’s] staff.”

Reading those words made me so proud of Michael. Stealing information from under the noses of notorious Black and Tan officers in the very room where they felt safest, and in the most guarded building in Ireland … That took some guts.

My father told me that Michael had taken part in the disastrous attack on the Customs House in which almost 100 IRA men were captured. Later, Michael was one of those who fired the artillery on the Four Courts during the Civil War. The shells fired there led to a massive explosion and the destruction of 800 years worth of historic documents.  Grandad certainly made his mark on history. …

His darkest time, though, came when he formed part of a firing squad to execute none other than Erskine Childers (author, Irish patriot, gun-runner and director of propaganda for the anti-Treaty side, below left).

As he stood there, facing all those rifle barrels, Childers spoke to Michael and the other men about to kill him.

“Take a step forward, lads. It will be easier that way.”

Then they executed him.

I mentioned this fact on my history blog and was contacted by a man who had done much research on the subject. His father had also formed part of that firing squad. He showed me photocopies of army registers for the Dublin Guard with his father’s name and, just a few lines below, that of my own grandfather Michael.

He asked what rank Michael was. I told him Sergeant Major. He seemed satisfied with this (only NCOs formed the firing party). He then asked if Michael had ever served in the British army. I said no. I was then informed that the practice at the time was to give live rounds to those men who had once been British soldiers and to give blanks to those who hadn’t. So, maybe Michael didn’t actually kill Childers with his bullet.

My grandfather was prone to epilepsy – said to be due to beating he received during his military service. He died on Christmas Day 1953, age just 52.

His story is like that of many young men of his generation, who risked all in the name of freedom. Were it not for the bureaucracy of pension and census forms, though, much of his story would have remained untold.

So, come April 24, remember that although filling in the census may be a bit of a chore, do it anyway – for future generations, it is a vital link in their understanding of who we once were and how they came to be.

This article first appeared in the Irish Independent

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Michael pages

The brochure I put together on my grandfather.

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Tags: Family History, Genealogical Services, Genealogy, Irish Freedom Struggle

Heritage Partner
Comment by That's Just How It Was on April 22, 2016 at 12:16pm

Oh David Lawor, what a magnificent find for you.... here you are 100 years later, and you have found a granny that stole a soup bowl... now you find a grandfather who was really involved... How precious is all of that....

That he was one of the men chosen to kill Chillers is very significant.... men were chosen to prove their worth... and real bullets  were indeed place in ex British Soldiers rifles..... so that the only Irish Army Officers had blank bullets in their rifles,   did not have to live with the guilt of executing a fellow Irishman ... .   

 I wonder if he was one of Michael Collins special Units of solder's who operated in the Castle to  infiltrate the British .. the extract below is from my article on Michael Collins ....... The Wild Geese Jan 2016 Geese 

Collins' methods of gaining intelligence was to encourage the followers of Sinn Féin to gain employment in Dublin Castle, particularly in the Intelligence Department. So it was with a guerrilla fight in mind, Collins encouraged de Valera to go to the United States to fund-raise. When de Valera set sail, to raise money for the cause of Irish Independence, the leadership of the Dail and other Irish movements fell increasingly to Collins, with Griffith serving  as Acting President 1919-1921. With de Valera in the United States, Collins masterminded one of history’s most successful guerrilla campaigns.

His encouragement of men to gain employment in Dublin Castle paid off handsomely, with all his informants serving the cause well by supplying him with information, flowing straight into his hands. British army units and police barracks were ambushed on a regular basis by well-trained Irish ‘flying squads’ tipped off by Collins, as casualties mounted."

Wow and where were you able to find out all of this 

Comment by David Lawlor on April 22, 2016 at 8:18pm

He didn't work in the Castle, Mary. I was very fortunate to have my grandad's military pension application form, in which he mentioned some parts of his service. Other aspects he mentioned to my father and aunts

Heritage Partner
Comment by That's Just How It Was on April 23, 2016 at 7:39am

Lucky you 

Comment by Jean Sullivan Cardinal on April 25, 2016 at 3:05pm

Thank you for sharing this bit of family history!  To see your family's part in such an important part of history is priceless,

Comment by David Lawlor on April 25, 2016 at 3:56pm

Thank yoiu, Jean

Comment by Sarah Nagle on May 2, 2016 at 7:58pm

Thanks. Always been a fan of Childers.

Comment by David Lawlor on May 3, 2016 at 7:17pm

Yes, very impressive man


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