Your beauty has beguiled it seems,

Of mountainside patchwork fields I dream

Moody sky with clouds dark-clad

Give way to sun that warms hearts glad

Blooming pathways, hidden charm

The windswept way to hillside farm

Painted sheep dot sweeping hill

Listen to the swallows trill

Cattle graze amongst the green

Stop in place, the sight serene

Greens that gently touch the sea

Broken castles, history

 Locals seeming unaware

Accustomed to the grandeur there

Of hills majestic, rivers clear

The oceans wave, the heaven near

Taking, as it was, for granted

The glorious heaven God had planted

Pints are shared, friends in making

Songs and smiles, cares forsaking

Telling tales of ages passed

Reminisce, the spell is cast

In sleepy summer solstice long

I listened to the siren song

As magically she called from me

All vestige of my sanity

Every corner turned, my duty

Headlong into yet more beauty

Endless sky to endless sea

I lost myself and willingly

Misty rain on slopes of grey

I reveled in its gentle way

Feeling not the windy chills

My eyes, through tears, caressed the hills

Oh this place, so boldy swept

the soul from me, my heart it leapt

Golden valley before me sleeping 

Stirring soul within me, weeping

My life shall never be the same

Since Erin set my heart aflame

And stole my sense, with all good haste

Did wrest my soul and laid it waste

To long for Ireland evermore

Her sea and sky, sweet love and lore.

She’ll whisper me her lilting score

Until I tread her fields once more

 -- Fran Reddy


Views: 401

Tags: Poetry

Comment by Ryan O'Rourke on November 5, 2013 at 9:13am

Lovely, Fran.  Well done.

Comment by Fran Reddy on November 5, 2013 at 9:28am

This poem just had to come out of me... It was 4 months after our trip and one day it just started taking form in my head. I haven't written poetry for years. Visiting Ireland had such an effect on me, the history, the beauty and charm along with knowing that many of my ancestors were born and walked there.. It really did steal a piece of my heart and soul! And my longing to go back is real, it is always there. So this poem is in essence, directly from my heart.

Comment by Gerry Regan on November 5, 2013 at 3:10pm

I enjoy poetry that rhymes, Fran, and you clearly excel at this form, which I find a throwback to a classical era of poetry, in antebellum America and elsewhere. 

I particularly like this verse:

Her sea and sky, sweet love and lore.
She’ll whisper me her lilting score
Until I tread her fields once more\


Comment by Fran Reddy on November 5, 2013 at 6:11pm

Thanks so much for the positive comments! I am happy that this poem helps to tell of my personal experience of Ireland and how much it enchanted me!

Comment by Patrick Francis Deady on November 8, 2013 at 2:08am

Thank you Fran. You have also spoken for my soul's dream.

Comment by Fran Reddy on November 8, 2013 at 7:03am

What is this magic that Ireland has!? It seems it really is true.. you KNOW when you're home and it's hard to leave!  One of the good friends we made during the trip (well, before the trip even) who is a native of Ireland commented in a later email to me that he was somewhat puzzled by how inspirational the place could be. He did go on to say that he understood the sense of home and heritage one may feel when you come there because of the landscape, the history and even the culture, but it's more than that. It is more of a spiritual, deep in your heart and soul kind of feeling and that is what I hoped to express in my poem.

Comment by bill keeler on November 11, 2013 at 10:58am

brilliant. thank you.

Comment by Fran Reddy on December 4, 2013 at 5:54pm

And thank you Bill :)


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