Arise in the morning with a day anew

What new adventures are waiting for you

Chatter and laughter filling the air

Full Irish breakfast is the fare

We spy the blue beastie driving up from the drive

Quickly we get ready like bees in a hive

We board our blue stallion not knowing which way

We are headed towards cloudy day

With each road traveled we wonder and wait

To see where Michael takes us on this day’s date

We stop and we chat with a person or three

Listening carefully to the banter and glee

Of friends of old but never afar

And we continue down the road in our blue car

Finally we arrive at a very remote destination site

We get out and stretch and behold a wondrous sight

Ahead is a road lined by tall green trees

Quiet overcomes us we only hear the breeze

Towering into the mist was a green mountain so grand

We admired the view from where we stand

We walked quietly down the road towards the breathtaking view

This misty morning things were wet with dew

Suddenly we can hear the soft sounds of sheep

Safely they grazed from the mountain’s keep

Onward we strolled admiring the views

Feeling peaceful and tranquil even subdue

At the bottom stood an old Irish community

Mother Earth consuming with little impunity

Listening carefully you can almost hear

Voices and laughter of people gone from yesteryear

We wonder if anyone can remember the name of this place

Men, women, and children’s name or even their face

Quietly, respectfully we strolled forward and on

Gazing at the homes and places now gone

Remnants of lives long past our own

A reminder to all to cherish to cherish our home

Soon the blue beast is approached and we gather up in

And we are quiet inside no excessive din

I reach into my bag and pull out a Cadbury bar

And handed to Michael who is driving our car

And heartfelt thanks for sharing a place

And we continue on our adventure leaving at a slow pace

But remember this place I always will

For it touches my heart still



Views: 255

Tags: Travel, ireland, irish, magic, of, tours, west, wild


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