The following is a transcript taken from the LIVE Community Chat chat hosted here at on Monday, January 6, 2014. The focus for the discussion was celebrating Nollaig na mBan (Women's Christmas). We were joined by Ciara Ryan, the Creator of the Irish Farmers Calendar. Some editing has been applied for clarity.
The Wild Geese: Céad míle fáilte, a chairde! So glad to see each one of you who have stopped by for this evening’s LIVE Community Chat. Our focus this evening is on Nollaig na mBan -- Women’s Christmas -- and to celebrate it in a fun way, we’re talking about the 2014 Irish Farmers Calendar. With us is the Creator of that calendar, Ciara Ryan. One of the cool things is that the sales of this calendar help to support a worthy charity. I’ll allow Ciara to fill us in on that aspect of it.
We’ll now turn it over for the next little while to Ciara. Welcome, Ciara!
Irish Farmer Calendar: Hello all! Happy New Year.
The Wild Geese: Same to you, Ciara.
Fran Reddy: Hello Ciara :)
Irish Farmer Calendar: Hi Fran :-)
Gerry Regan: Ciara, pleasure to get the chance to learn more about this most arresting calendar!
The Wild Geese: Who has our first question?
Fran Reddy: Ciara, how much fun was this as a project? ;)
Irish Farmer Calendar: Fran, this really is amazing project to work on. The guys are always great fun and we always have good craic each year - we just produced our 5th calendar! Can't believe it's been 5 years!
Fran Reddy: Nice!
Ryan O'Rourke: Was this calendar your own idea, Ciara?
Irish Farmer Calendar: Yes, there is a famous quote and I can't recall who's it is but it goes "Thank you Lord for the idea that picked me"!
Belinda Evangelista: Do you have a favorite 'month'?
Irish Farmer Calendar: Hi Belinda, picture or farmer? ;-)
Ryan O'Rourke: Very subtle, Belinda. ;-)
Fran Reddy: LOL!
Belinda Evangelista: Both
Irish Farmer Calendar: I really like May this year, the scarecrow shot. Donagh, Mr. May also posed in our 2012 calendar so he's no stranger it. He's a really lovely guy from Tipperary, good talker too - he appeared on RTE and TV3 promoting the calendar and he would do it all again as he just loves the attention!
Belinda Evangelista: Personally I'm an annual girl. I like them all Ciara. :-)
Irish Farmer Calendar: Thanks Belinda. :-)
Marcie Kelly: Hello ... sorry I'm late.
The Wild Geese: Welcome, Marcie!
Irish Farmer Calendar: Hi Marcie.
Marcie Kelly: Hi.
Tiffany Silverberg: Do you share the stories behind the farmers and their farms too?
Irish Farmer Calendar: Hi Tiffany, not within the pages of the calendars, but what would you like to know? ;-)
Ryan O'Rourke: Tiffany is a keen parsnip farmer and would like detailed info on parsnip growing in Ireland. :-)
Tiffany Silverberg: Ha! Nothing in particular. I'm just always fascinated by farm acquisitions and entrepreneurship. :)
Gerry Regan: Ciara, how many men populate the calendar? And are all truly farmers? There doesn't seem to be 12 different men in 2014's edition, with some doubling up in images. And how many men applied for a spot in this year's calendar?
Irish Farmer Calendar: Hi Gerry, We had 10 guys in it this year. 3 who appeared before. I'm happy to report they are ALL farmers. Although our Mr. December only farms part-time. He is also a member of Cork Ballet.
Ryan O'Rourke: Ciara, please tell us about the charity the calendar sales help to support.
Marcie Kelly: The calendar is interesting
Irish Farmer Calendar: Bothar was set up in 1991 to enable families and communities worldwide to overcome hunger and poverty and to restore the environment in a sustainable way. They send livestock to developing countries. So they learn to farm for themselves
The Wild Geese:
Gerry Regan: Ciara, they always say in Hollywood never share a scene with a child or an animal -- they'll usually steal the spotlight. Seems Mr. December is holding his own in this shot. He's not a very convincing carver. LOL. Witness the turkey's calm demeanor in the face of the dinner knife.
Fran Reddy: hehe Gerry :)
Irish Farmer Calendar: Ha ha - yes Gerry. I love this shot. I love it so much I wear it to bed at night - got it printed on a t-shirt.
Belinda Evangelista: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Irish Farmer Calendar: Exactly Belinda. Also, no animals were harmed in the making of this calendar!
Ryan O'Rourke: I figured not, but good to hear it!
Gerry Regan: Amen. Hey, Mr. November reminds me of Colin Farrell. I'd say he'd be fun to run into in a pub! More fully garbed though! :-) Looks like he's auditioning for Cupid! :-D
Irish Farmer Calendar: Loreal - because he's worth it! His friend (the bouncer in September's scene) entered him.
So when we needed a bouncer, this guy worked out pretty well. 2 lovely guys from Westmeath
Gerry Regan: Certainly, the most 'liberated' farmer depicted is seen in July. 20 years ago I think you wouldn't have gotten him past the censors.
Irish Farmer Calendar: It's funny how the camera picks up these things. We never noticed on the day - too busy with other props!
Gerry Regan: Shows how far Ireland has come since then (or some wags might say fallen), as his pants have.
Fran Reddy: My birthday month is July ;)
Gerry Regan: Ciara, how many lads applied for this year's calendar?
Belinda Evangelista: And how did you select them?
Irish Farmer Calendar: Well Gerry, there is still a couple of publications who won't feature it because they are topless. But getting on the Late Late Show was pretty amazing for us. You can't win em all! Not enough Gerry!
Gerry Regan: No, truly not. But Ireland is more willing than ever to let the market decide, and not the Church nor the politicians!
Irish Farmer Calendar: Belinda, we like guys with a bit of character. Real men!
Ryan O'Rourke: Can I make a request to get a Connemara Pony in the 2015 calendar, Ciara? Plenty of lads who would be good to have alongside one of their ponies!
Gerry Regan: Aye, women love both. It would seem a strong parlay!
Irish Farmer Calendar: Oh yes Ryan. If you know any, send them my way!
Ryan O'Rourke: You got it!
Irish Farmer Calendar: So if you know any Irish farmers willing to pose, send them here! Our photoshoot takes place usually around May/June.
The Wild Geese: We'll go just a few more minutes this evening folks. Get your last questions / comments in now. :-)
Fran Reddy: Can I promote this on Facebook? :)
Irish Farmer Calendar: The calendar? Yes!!!
Fran Reddy: Done ;)
Irish Farmer Calendar: Thank you! Please like us -
Fran Reddy: Will do Ciara :)
Gerry Regan: Ciara, this calendar would also be a hot item in Greenwich Village and the Castro section of San Francisco and other gay neighborhoods. Perhaps it already is. Have you tapped the gay market with your marketing efforts? And has Ireland's gay community paid it much notice?
Irish Farmer Calendar: Good questions Gerry. The calendar has been featured on a gay site in the US. It may have been New York based as we got a lot of orders from NY directly after
Gerry Regan: Fun concept, Ciara. Thanks for bringing it to us.
Irish Farmer Calendar: Oh, and if anybody has any suggests re US distribution, please feel free to mail me at :-)
Belinda Evangelista: Thank you for your contribution to a very worthwhile Charity Ciara
Irish Farmer Calendar: Thanks Belinda. Thank you all. I really enjoyed our chat
The Wild Geese: We'll wrap it up there for this evening, folks. Our thanks to Ciara Ryan for joining us this evening to tell us about the 2014 Irish Farmers Calendar. Don't forget to check out Thanks to everyone who joined us this evening.
Marcie Kelly: Thank you Ciara
Irish Farmer Calendar: Thanks Marcie. Thanks Ryan and all at Wild Geese. :-)
Fran Reddy: Thanks Ciara
The Wild Geese: Ciara, stay anchored tonight. Blowing up a crazy storm again over here in Connemara! (big surprise)
Belinda Evangelista: Have a wonderful Nollaig na mBan girls :)
The Wild Geese: Oiche mhaith, gach duine.
We got our copy of the calendar in the mail yesterday...too funny! I'm sending it to a single friend who I know will get a kick out of it. Thank you, Ciara!
Got my calendars and have shipped them out to my sisters and nieces. They are wonderful!!
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