Sarah Nagle's Blog (14)

Men and Christmas . . . Or Shopping With Dad

O.K., it should be obvious (hopefully) that I am not a man.

But dear old dad definitely is... and as, like it or not, I've always been dad's girl I've acquired a bit of an insight into what makes certain types of men…


Added by Sarah Nagle on November 10, 2016 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

'Blue Bloods' TV Series: Dinner with the Reagans

There is a place where fiction overlaps reality and creates a place where half-truths and should-have-beens and never-really-were’s create something that is less than factual and more than fictional -- "Blue Bloods" occupies one such place.…


Added by Sarah Nagle on March 3, 2016 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Like the Frontier, 'Revenant' Is Brutal, Beautiful, Without Romance

The West, the American West, is the place in our souls where romance and reality meet head-on. Ironically it is also the place where reality and romance have always met head-on. Ever since “the West” was that ill-defined space on the map west of the White Mountains, west of the…


Added by Sarah Nagle on January 21, 2016 at 5:30pm — 7 Comments

'Spotlight' The Movie: When Boston's Wall of Silence Crumpled

The film "Spotlight" was recently released, based on the true story of the Boston Globe’s investigation of the Boston Archdiocese’s willful coverup of child molestation and abuse. The reviews have been, like the movie itself, scattered.

This is, without a doubt, a shattering film. Well made and well acted, it…


Added by Sarah Nagle on December 21, 2015 at 7:00pm — 16 Comments

'Brooklyn' the Movie: Finding Love, Vanquishing Fear

There is a moment in "Brooklyn" -- the recently released 1950s period semi-romance -- when one naive and worried young Irishwoman turns to a slightly less naive and worried young Irishwoman and asks her what America will be like. The response is heartfelt, immediate, true and not quite true, all at once: "Like Ireland,…


Added by Sarah Nagle on December 10, 2015 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments

From Paradise to Gotham ... Historical Novelists and the Irish-American Story

New York looms large in the history of the Irish. For the Irish-American -- particularly the 19th century Irish-American -- New York City was, in almost every way possible, the gateway city of America. Vast, foreign, dangerous, the city consumed migrants and emigrants alike. Decade after decade the people…


Added by Sarah Nagle on July 10, 2015 at 8:30pm — 9 Comments

Film Review: 'Run All Night'

There is a certain type of Irishman who looms large in fiction: The "haunted man," the "angry man," the "tortured man," the "violent man," the "quiet man." He is a cliche ... but a cliche born of so much truth it is a bit like encountering an old friend when he shambles onto…


Added by Sarah Nagle on March 25, 2015 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

Here's to the Three Birds: An Irish American Holiday Toast

"Here's to the three birds! May you always have a bird on the table, a bird in your glass and an eagle in your pocket."

I first heard that toast when I was very young from an elderly neighbor. It was a toast from her childhood in the early 1920s. The toast her mother and uncles always used. Already something of an antique in Jazz Age America.…


Added by Sarah Nagle on December 24, 2014 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

One Perspective...

This was originally in the Winter 2014 edition of Celtic Life magazine. One person's (mine) view of what it means to be part Irish, Irish-American, and not always fit in a box.

Somebody Who Looks Like Me

Added by Sarah Nagle on December 15, 2014 at 4:41pm — 1 Comment

Film Review: 'Calvary,' Directed by John Michael McDonagh (2014)

Reviewers have already begun to weigh in on "Calvary," the new John Michael McDonagh film (in U.S. theaters now).

Dark, depressing, soulless, derivative, quirky, devout,…


Added by Sarah Nagle on August 8, 2014 at 5:00pm — 8 Comments

Film Review: 'The Yank'

A romantic comedy, particularly a romantic comedy set in Ireland, can run the gamut from silly to tragic in just a few scenes. The Yank, a new film by Sean Lackey, does that -- and much more. The idea of an American, particularly a Guinness-drinking…


Added by Sarah Nagle on June 18, 2014 at 2:00pm — 13 Comments

A 'Worldly' St. Patrick's Day . . .

Alternative isn’t a word that springs to mind when I think about St. Patrick’s Day. For me -- and probably millions of other Irish-Americans -- the 17th of March has always been a day marked by traditions that border on the cliche.…


Added by Sarah Nagle on March 20, 2014 at 11:00pm — No Comments

The Claddagh Ring Overseas: Legend, Fact & the Rise of an Icon

Today the iconic claddagh ring is, along with the harp and shamrock, one of the most widely recognized and most iconically “Irish” symbols in America. The commercial value of the claddagh ring design is enormous -- and probably impossible to…


Added by Sarah Nagle on February 11, 2014 at 9:00pm — 8 Comments

Film Review: 'Lone Survivor'

A war movie, particularly a war movie that is the true story of a real group of men and women, is hard to make and hard to watch. Anything short of the truth is disrespectful, but the truth is hard to define, hard to acknowledge, hard to understand.…


Added by Sarah Nagle on January 23, 2014 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments

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