Your Irish Heroine ... Gift Winners Announced!

** The contest period has now ended, but you may still feel free to tell us about your Irish heroine in the comments section!

Our winners are...

Suzi McNutt from Canyon Country, California, USA

(Suzi will receive the Ógra Skincare gift basket.)


Loretta Treacy from Galway, Ireland!

(Loretta will receive the Voya Seaweed Baths Gift Voucher.)

Two lucky Wild Geese members will receive these beautiful gifts from our 'Tis Herself sponsors...will one of them be YOU?

From Ógra Skincare: A basket of beauty products (see above) which harness the natural power of organic Irish peat!  Learn more about this innovative Irish company at

And from Voya Seaweed Baths, a gift voucher for a spa experience in the beautiful Irish coastal village of Strandhill, County Sligo.  Learn more about Voya and their therapeutic seaweed baths at

Your Irish Heroine

To be included in a drawing for these prizes, please leave a comment below this blog post. In just one sentence, tell us about an Irish woman who inspires you. She may be a friend, family member, or an iconic woman from Irish history.

Example: "My grandmother, Marcella (McMullen) Vaughan, inspired me by visiting Ireland when she was 92 years old." (True story!)

You must be a member of The Wild Geese to comment. Becoming a member is free and we think you'll love being a part of this social network!

To be eligible, your comment must be made by Sunday, March 8, 2015. The drawing will be conducted, and winners announced on Monday, March 9, 2015. 

Ádh mór!  (Best of Luck!)

Views: 1509

Tags: Women

Comment by Ron Redmond on March 3, 2015 at 10:46am

Gráinne O'Malley: For a while I was a big fan of Morgan Llywelyn and in reading her book "She-King of the Irish Seas" I became a fan of Irish sea farers and their impact on the Spanish Armada, now as a daddy of four Irish-American lasses I appreciate strong female figures all the more, Gráinne's ethical concerns aside. :)

Comment by Patricia Louise Hughes on March 3, 2015 at 11:31am

I have always admired the Bansidhe, the mythical woman who screams when someone is about to die. To me she epitomises the strength of Irish women. She is active, not passive, and no-one dares to ignore her or laugh at her incredible force and power.

Comment by Gerry Regan on March 3, 2015 at 1:54pm

Always admired Countess Markievicz, who would not accept social injustice, whether from fellow republicans, the Irish bourgeoise, or from an oppressive regime.

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Comment by That's Just How It Was on March 4, 2015 at 5:53am

My Grandmother ,Bridget O'Rourke inspired me all through my childhood to read and write ; so much of an inspiration was she, that I wrote a book about her when I retired at 66 years of age > -That's Just How it Was 

Comment by Jim Curley on March 4, 2015 at 3:53pm

Ger, there is a scene in the movie Mise Eire in which Countess Markievicz is released from prison and is greeted by tumultuous crowd and paraded as a hero through Dublin. I was thinking the first time I saw it that I don't think there was a woman in the world at that time who would have gotten a similar reception from her countrymen.

Another Irish woman who comes to mind is Grace Gifford who got married to Joseph Plunkett just hours before he was executed at Kilmainham.

Comment by emer breen on March 5, 2015 at 5:05am

My mother comes to mind. She was a wonderful person and inspired me to be creative in all things in my life. She had a great fondness for the Irish language and used to take us all to The Gaeltacht every year. She taught me so much about my roots and i learnt so much from her. She will always be my greatest influence and inspiration.

Comment by Kelly O'Rourke on March 5, 2015 at 6:08am

So many inspirational Irish women!  Keep them coming. :)

Comment by Suzi McNutt on March 5, 2015 at 8:45am

My heroine would have to be my great grandmother, Margaret Casey Roche. She left her family's home in Tuam in the 1870s, speaking only Irish, and came to America, settling with her husband in Fort Worth, Texas. She went from a land of lush green landscapes to one of barren, incredibly inhospitable heat. She learned English, without a teacher, and never complained about anything. Not to say she was meek and mild, mind you. During Prohibition, as an older lady, she made a trip back to Ireland, alone, to visit family. When she was coming back to the States, nobody questioned her 4 hot water bottles-that were full of good Irish whiskey!

Comment by Roberta Foran on March 5, 2015 at 9:36am

I think Ali Hewson (Bono's wife) is quite amazing! Not your typical "rock star wife", she is a compassionate, down to earth, yet pro active woman. As an activist, she has done so much for anti child labor in Africa, hands on volunteer aid in 3rd world countries, and for many years she has helped the Chernobyl's Children Project and serves on their board of Directors. In 2002, she received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the National University of Ireland for her work on environmental issues and the Labour Party wanted to put Ali up for the Irish Presidential Elections...twice, 2004 & 2011, but she declined. :)

Comment by Beth Golden on March 6, 2015 at 2:45am

Like several other posts, my Irish Heroine is an ancestor. My 2nd great grandmother, Elizabeth Jamison Martin Little departed County Down in 1856 with her new husband David Little (they married just a few weeks before)  and her Martin family arriving by way of Liverpool in Castle Garden, NY. After a bit of time in New York City, she and her husband then moved around New York State for a few years, while her parents and siblings moved to Garrett County, MD. She not only left her native land, but then the support system of her family was gone! I'm amazed and proud of her ability to acclimate, bear and raise 4 children while moving thru NYS while David worked for either the railroads and/or the Canal system as a blacksmith (his and his father's trade back in County Down). I'm guessing that she finally convinced David to move to MD so that she could be near her family, as this is where they ended up. Her life was active in MD too, having 3 more children, being a founding member of the Presbyterian Church there and involved with its ministry, as well as supporting David in his work as an elder of the Church, Ancient Order of Hibernians, International Odd Fellows, and as a town council member. I'm sure that her influence extends to the simple things too - like lullabies, recipes, and sewing/crafting (her Martin family were weavers in County Down). It's amazing that she could do so much! She will always inspire me to persevere.


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