Death of WG Founding Member and Producer Maryann Tracy Leaves Us Bereft

We are indeed saddened to announce that Maryann Tracy, a founding member of and one of our earliest staff members, died September 6 in Syracuse at the age of 63. Maryann began her tenure with us in February 2012 as part of the small team that helped us transition from, our then-15-year-old online magazine, to the current social network (WG, for short).

Right, Maryann Tracy, April 2014. Photo by Gerry Regan

Maryann was recruited by her friend and WG colleague Belinda Evangelista, both then living outside Syracuse, N.Y.  With teammates Alannah Ryane, Anna Porter, Joe Gannon and Gerry Regan, Belinda and Maryann initially went to work helping us compile a comprehensive list of the thousands of online features WG had produced from its start in the fall of 1997.

That work complete, Maryann became the producer of our Folklore and ‘Irish Kitchen’ channels. A talented artist, additionally blessed with a folksy and well-crafted writing style, Maryann wrote for us, too, and also undertook some copy editing. At our urging, she tried her hand as our first editorial cartoonist, and evinced both sly humor and artistic chops. Maryann also was quick to greet new members and make them feel at home, something hugely important for us, particularly in the early days of the transition.

Maryann’s numerous posts within our pages include articles “Is Your Beer Good Enough for St. Patrick” and “The Irish Backbone of the Erie Canal” (which has drawn more than 3,000 views), cartoons “A Tip for Punters” and “Tough Times for Leprechauns," and interviews with Clare-born photographer and musician Christy McNamara and Tyrone ‘poet-ographer’ Aine MacAodha, Making Art By Ulster’s Sperrins. Maryann also applied her gentle humor in creating this limerick, which begins, "There was a young man from Kanturk ..."

In April 2014, Maryann and Belinda collaborated in bringing to a big (and decidedly opulent) Landmark Theatre in downtown Syracuse the award-winning documentary “The Irish Pub,” produced by Heritage Partner Atom Films. The screening became the centerpiece of a  three-day cultural event that drew close to 300 individuals to Syracuse venues.

Left, "Tough Times for Leprechauns," by Maryann Tracy

Maryann was born September 8, 1953, in New York City to John Tracy and Mary Toomey. She graduated from Bishop Grimes High School in East Syracuse, N.Y.,  and Le Moyne College, in nearby Syracuse, with a degree in Fine Arts and Literature.

She was especially fond of watercolor paintings and studied with several local artists whose work she admired. She also wrote for several blogs that focused on the arts, including

Maryann is survived by her children, Vanessa (Mark) McClowry of Brewerton and William “Bill” Koch Jr. (Ashley Bullock) of North Syracuse, along with three granddaughters, Liliana, Ailey Shea and Delaney McClowry.

She is also survived by her two sisters, Patty Beaudoin (John) and Keenie Hunter (Joe), as well as two brothers, Mike Tracy (Karen) and Tom Tracy (Kathy). Her parents, John and Mary Tracy, her stepfather, Richard Merrill, and her aunts Dorothy “Dot” Loftus and Nora Toomey all died before her. She also recently lost her brother John Tracy and uncle, John “Butch” Toomey. Leaving no doubt about Maryann’s whimsy, family members suggest, she truly believed there was no one that could outmatch her in a game of Jeopardy.

Sadly, illness diverted Maryann’s energies from the past few years, but she has made an indelible impact on us. She passionately embraced our mission, and stood ready to do all she could to make a world-class home for the irish worldwide. We think of her often, and, while we mourn her loss, we celebrate her life and her many contributions to our pages.

You can find more of Maryann Tracy's posts on

Views: 1275

Tags: Arts, Folklore, Graphic Arts, Irish Kitchen, Obituaries

Comment by Alannah Ryane on October 24, 2017 at 8:37pm
Excellent Gerry. A very beautiful and fitting tribute to Maryann and one I'm sure her family and friends will cherish and so do I. Thank you for posting this.
Comment by The Wild Geese on October 27, 2017 at 11:47am

Thank you, Alannah. As you know, everyone on that team, yourself in particular, has our undying gratitude, for helping us create a solid foundation. I came to particularly admire Maryann because her health was fragile and she was so talented and committed and so archtypical of the Irish worldwide. -- Ger

Comment by Wild West Irish Tours on October 29, 2017 at 10:03am

Very sorry for your loss...This is a wonderful tribute to a wonderful person.

Comment by Claire Fullerton on October 29, 2017 at 7:42pm

Lovely tribute. I can certainly feel the soul of this lovely woman's contribution. God rest her soul and comfort her friends. 

Comment by John Anthony Brennan on December 23, 2017 at 2:40pm

Sad to hear about this. RIP


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