It is still a work in progress, but my second book is to be published in October. It deals with lesser-known aspects of Irish history. The cover is being designed as we speak and should be ready within a fortnight. Some of the chapters appear on my blogspot:

Here is a description of my latest book on Amazon:

With Fado, long-forgotten episodes from Irish history are presented in easy-to-follow short chapters. Who was Crom Cruach, and what are Holy Wells? Who were the priest catchers and why were corpses stolen? How did a Cork woman become a feared pirate of the Caribbean, and why is William Melville not loved by all in his native county? For such a small island, Ireland has history and archaeology in abundance, and much of this is often only known to people in the locality. The author has travelled the island extensively and researched long-forgotten characters and events, some of whom are stranger than fiction. Irish men and women of all hues and generations are examined here as the reader is guided through a land of heroes and villains, saints and scholars, pestilence and prosperity. 'Fado' is a book that can be read with ease, and the author's passion for his subject is infectious. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Irish history.

It will be available both as a paperback and as an e-book via Kindle. I will keep you up to speed with its development.

Views: 245

Tags: Cork, Folklore, Ireland, Literature, Mythololgy


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