It seems bizarre that an Irish girl caught with over a million euros worth of drugs is being supported by the media. In interviews she seemed to think the whole thing was great craic (if you will pardon the pun) and was seen laughing.

We tell our kids that drugs are for fools but the Irish media refuses to condemn this girl and her Scottish friend. It was similar when the model Katie French ate a lump of cocaine and subsequently died. The media portrayed her as a victim.

Similarly, it was and still is considered bad taste to mention that Gerry Ryan, a celebrated DJ who campaigned against drugs, died of a drug overdose.

Views: 154

Comment by Rose Maurer on August 21, 2013 at 9:50am

I fully agree with you Ronan - the Irish media response makes a mockery of both the law and the dangers of drug trafficking and consumption. There are a number of naive Black young South African presently incarcerated in Thailand prisons, under appalling conditions, who thought this was an easy way to make a substantial amount og money - this is really tragic. Given the seriousness of it, I did enjoy your crack about the craic!


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