Blame it On Christopher Columbus - Remember Chocolate is Also His Fault!

Before Columbus, Europe had never tasted potatoes, tomatoes, red peppers, chocolate, pumpkins, coconuts, pineapples, strawberries, and much more.  All these food items are native to the Americas.  Although explorers brought potatoes back from the New World in the early 1500s, Europeans were afraid to eat them for fear that it would give them leprosy.  It wasn’t until King Louis XVI, who was looking for a cheap food source for his starving subjects, served them at the royal table that people were convinced potatoes were safe to eat.  Until 1720 in America, eating potatoes was believed to shorten a person’s life.

If you have not checked on Columbus since you were a youngster in school, view the slideshows of his life and reality here: 

Views: 868

Tags: Americas, Columbus, Food, Genealogy, United States

Comment by Peggy Sullivan on March 13, 2015 at 6:24pm

Yesterday (3/12/15)while reading about the Irish and the Erie Canal I spotted a picture of a man with a child from County Down by the name of Brendan O'Neill...Magees were mentioned as well. If anyone should come upon it please notify me. My father was James Brendan O'Neill of Co Wexford and my mother Mary Ellen Magee of Downpatrick Co Down...they were living in Belfast during WWll where my sister and I were born. My mother had a shop on Elizabeth St. and my father was a carpenter working in the shipyards. Any information on that picture would be greatly appreciated.


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