While I was researching my Grand- mothers story ; I found it facilitating that I had know all these things about my grand-mother ; but did not really [in my child's mind] connect them to reality.
When she spoke about the cabins - as in ' you do not go cabin hunting' [to her grand-children] - I honestly thought that this was just a phrase she used to ensure that we did not stay in other peoples homes.
What in fact she was telling us was that her life had been spent in a cabin [as is recorded in historical records ] ' she like many , many thousands of other people of her generation ; lived in cabin's/ mud huts when her parents and grand-parents had been evicted from their tenant farm by the wealthy Landlords.
I do honestly believe that she was and still reminds in my mind one of the most remarkable people of her era .
As a retired Social Worker {then a Social Work Manager] I came across poverty /deprecation / abuse in all its forms in my career ; however - when I researched all of her life - I found it so remarkable, that as a adult ; I just had to record it .
Life was not easy in 1800/early 1900 - for people ; so her story as I have recorded it in -That's Just How it Was- is a triumph over adversity .
Click on the link below to view teh video.
Youtube: http://youtu.be/oT0oOa0jx28
Youtube: http://youtu.be/oT0oOa0jx28
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