"A Captain Unafraid" will tell the story of 19th century filibuster and soldier of fortune, "Dynamite" Johnny O' Brien.  You can read more about the fascinating life of "Dynamite" Johnny here.  If we can have one last blast of support it will go a long way towards making our crossing a less choppy voyage, our destination being, "A Captain Unafraid" packed and ready to ship!

Here is an interview extract from 2011, when I was in Arkansas and met Johnny's granddaughters:

With the help of those who support the film, I will be able to regale ye all with my progress as I go along, it has been a cracker of a voyage so far and the rest of the trip is sure to be entertaining, plus you get some mighty perks for supporting the cause! Below, is an extract from when I interviewed Cynthia East, Johnny's great-granddaughter in 2011.

Here is a link to the last newsletter of the campaign to "Set the Boat Afloat," that boat being; "A Captain Unafraid" the documentary feature film.  Right now, I must hit the hay, I'm after my last "Dynamite" gig (concurrent with the Indiegogo campaign!) this one was in Gulped, in the lovely Triskel Arts Centre in Cork City. To hear more about all this malarky, here is the campaign link:


Views: 408

Tags: Film, Seafaring


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