Dr. Jane Lyons's Blog (17)

Unmarried Mothers & babies

Since the 'dead babies in Tuam' story *hit* the headlines I've read a lot about it on the internet in particular and I wonder a lot of things and this is a difficult blog to write because where do I let my thoughts go.

An extremely emotional subject.

The first things I thought when I heard the story and as I listened to the immediate reaction here in Ireland was

1. Do you have any idea of what life was like for those people (the mothers).

2. Do you remember what…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on June 26, 2014 at 10:06pm — 8 Comments

Message re one of my Facebok pages

Copy of message sent to my Facebook page

My name is Jane Lyons, Ph.D., and I post on this page. I set this page up as an attachment to my Jane Lyons Genealogy page. This page is called Irish Genealogy, it has NOTHING to do with any professional site of the same name

I do not have and this page has nothing to do with a website which carries the name irishgenealogy

This page has been set up by a…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on June 22, 2014 at 1:19pm — No Comments

Gravestone talk : Beyond the Grave Conference, Limerick

Beyond the Grave Conference, Limerick - a few weeks ago........

Jane Lyons (me) Talk.

I've just been sent a link to a 'video' of my talk at this conference and y'know, I was wrecked, had had about three hrs sleep the night before, it was 4.30pm, I was tired.

I've been told I was very good, but me, I thought i was very borderline......now that I see the video though, I realise I wasn't bad at all *except* I should really have stood closer to…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on June 21, 2014 at 4:53pm — No Comments

Old Irish Newspaper Extracts

Old Irish Newspaper Abstracts:

We tend to forget the things that so many people have done, especially in this day and age of advanced technology. Many of you don’t remember the days when the Irish Census returns were not on the internet, many of you don’t know about the days when you had to go to the Irish Civil Records office to get the references for births, marriages and deaths. Today, we can get those references if they exist on the internet (for the most part). We all forget so…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on June 12, 2014 at 8:31am — No Comments

World War Veteran - Victoria Cross and name changes

This week, I finished an index for all the names on all the stones in Rathdowney, Laois(Queen's Co) and I head of into town to go to the graveyard to begin checking the 1300 or so names and with my new magic torch hopefully be be able to read the bits I had a problem with.

As I get into the town, I wonder to myself if an acquaintance of mine who is also director f a funeral home would be interested in the index so I call to ask him.  "Ah Jane", ses he......"I have an index.  I keep…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on June 6, 2014 at 2:05pm — No Comments

Unlike Any Other Marathon in the World

Flora Mini Marathon, Dublin City, 2014

In excess of 40,000 women ran in this mini marathon today.  It's all of 10k, and it's actually magic.

Listening to the radio as I came home this evening, I heard the presenter say that 'some' of the women ran for charity, and that 800 charities were represented.  The truth is that the vast majority of people…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on June 2, 2014 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Ordnance Survey Maps and a Torch

I sent the below message in to Facebook today and it is only as I read through the replies that I realise people don't actually think about these maps.

I was asked a question about the relevant size of them - it is 1:50,000

On Friday, the day before Janet arrived in this area, I dropped dogs with June my wonderful dog minder and then I drove to Dublin because I…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on June 1, 2014 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

Life changes

Jan 2011, I fell down a stairs, next morning quarter of my skull was removed and I was kept in a coma for two weeks.

My children were told I would probably die - I didn't - they were told I would be brain damaged - I amn't.............

Truthfully....I'm not as fast as I used to be and \I can forget things.

A year later, I was diagnosed with a disease called haemachromatosis - iron collecting

Been bled - 500 ml of blood out of me every two weeks for a…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 31, 2014 at 1:54pm — No Comments

Laois (Queen's Co.), Kilkenny, Tipperary and other Church photographs

A Church index of sorts.

While I've been travelling around with my friend Janet, Daniel who helps me with from-ireland has done a bit of organising of my last few months posts and created a Church index.

Mainly the Churches are in the counties I name above, but, we also have some Cork, Carlow, Kildare, Waterford, Dublin, Westmeath, Offaly (King's Co.) and Galway churches.

I just know I've forgotten somewhere!!

Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 28, 2014 at 10:52am — No Comments

Another 'Fairy Trip'

Bit, I told Janet earlier about you calling these kind of trips I make Fairy Trips....and she laughed. Later, she turned round and asked me what I had said about Fairies.

The more I think about this, I smile - travelling through Ireland with nary a care in the world, not worrying about where you are going because when you get there you will find something worth remembering - it is actually a fairy trip. Earlier today we were trying to get home from Castlecomer and I saw a sign…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 25, 2014 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Maher / Meagher and others

I have a net friend, Janet Maher and we've known one another a long time and a couple of years ago (2012) I said to one friend I am NEVER going back to the US again and the very next day I get an email from Janet saying 'book published, launch on such a date" and I said to myself 'That's it Lyons, you're going back to America"

Off I went for about 2.5 weeks.

I'd been in the U.S. a number of times but this time, it was so different.  This time I did not have to pay to stay in…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 21, 2014 at 12:30pm — 25 Comments

Muster Roll Kilkenny, 1685

Names have been extracted from a paper published in the “Proceedings and Transactions of the Kilkenny and the South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society” Vol 3. 1855. pp. 231-274

The article was written by John G. A. Prim.


and yes, you can…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 20, 2014 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Old Roman Catholic Church, Couraguneen, Tipperary, Ireland

This was actually one of the most interesting Churches I have been to because most of the side walls and the back wall had been knocked down and yu could still see the tiles from the inside of the Church and the wall remnants as you stood beside it.

I went off here because one day, a man on my FB page told me I had been close to a Church his family used to go to one day when I said I has walked the dogs around a bog beside the train line out the Templemore Road.  So, next day i was…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 20, 2014 at 5:12am — No Comments

Church of Ireland, Dunkerrin, Offaly (King's Co.), Ireland.

This is actually a very pretty little church and the thing about it is that it is on my way from Laois to Tipperary as I was a few weeks ago on my way to Nenagh. You literally drive through this little patch of Offaly and then you are into Tipperary. I have done the graveyard a good while ago but I haven't checked my site to get a link. Been at the computer for about 2 hours now and all I seem to be doing is talking!!!…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 20, 2014 at 4:23am — No Comments

Roman Catholic Church, Knock, Tipperary, Ireland

This is some of what I do :)

Posted to my Facebook page a few mins ago and I've just decided that yep, this is what I will do with this blog.  Post whatever new links I have created on from-ireland and yatter away about whatever I am going to do or where-ever I am going to go any time I go off out looking for something :)

"Roman Catholic Church, Knock, Tipperary.

I've posted that I had put photos of this Church up before, but they were photos taken from the graveyard at…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 20, 2014 at 3:36am — No Comments

From-Ireland: My Website

I didn't name my website last night so now I'll tell you a little about it.

It is called from-ireland and I created it about 2001.  A net friend taught me a little about web page creation and I don't mean the kind of web pages that we find free on the internet now, I mean he taught me code and what the 'source code' of a web page looks like.  I had to work from the back forward meaning I created pages in code and then looked at what the end result would look like.  After a while, I…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 20, 2014 at 2:30am — No Comments

Genealogy of Others & Introduction

I transcribe gravestones in Ireland as well as transcribing information from parish records.  I began transcribing the words of pre 1901 gravestones in 1996.  

I have a website which was created in 2001 and two years ago we put 170,000 gravestone and church photographs online.  I indexed the names off every stone I could read and we have that index online as well.  The numbers of gravestone photographs have increased since that time and the places I have been to stretch from…


Added by Dr. Jane Lyons on May 19, 2014 at 3:30pm — 9 Comments

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