Posted on June 26, 2014 at 10:06pm 8 Comments 3 Likes
Since the 'dead babies in Tuam' story *hit* the headlines I've read a lot about it on the internet in particular and I wonder a lot of things and this is a difficult blog to write because where do I let my thoughts go.
An extremely emotional subject.
The first things I thought when I heard the story and as I listened to the immediate reaction here in Ireland was
1. Do you have any idea of what life was like for those people (the mothers).
2. Do you remember what…
ContinuePosted on June 22, 2014 at 1:19pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Copy of message sent to my Facebook page
My name is Jane Lyons, Ph.D., and I post on this page. I set this page up as an attachment to my Jane Lyons Genealogy page. This page is called Irish Genealogy, it has NOTHING to do with any professional site of the same name
I do not have and this page has nothing to do with a website which carries the name irishgenealogy
This page has been set up by a…
Posted on June 21, 2014 at 4:53pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Beyond the Grave Conference, Limerick - a few weeks ago........
Jane Lyons (me) Talk.
I've just been sent a link to a 'video' of my talk at this conference and y'know, I was wrecked, had had about three hrs sleep the night before, it was 4.30pm, I was tired.
I've been told I was very good, but me, I thought i was very that I see the video though, I realise I wasn't bad at all *except* I should really have stood closer to…
Posted on June 12, 2014 at 8:31am 0 Comments 2 Likes
Old Irish Newspaper Abstracts:
We tend to forget the things that so many people have done, especially in this day and age of advanced technology. Many of you don’t remember the days when the Irish Census returns were not on the internet, many of you don’t know about the days when you had to go to the Irish Civil Records office to get the references for births, marriages and deaths. Today, we can get those references if they exist on the internet (for the most part). We all forget so…
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Comment Wall (5 comments)
Jane, welcome. I've heard about your work for quite some time now. Perhaps you can elaborate a bit about what genealogical services are available, and also share with us your unique Irish story.
Thank you for this comment and I was kind of wondering to myself would I or would I not begin to blog about what I do. I joined the other day because I wanted to pass a comment to Jim Mc (he is a long time friend of mine) and even though I did look at the Wild Geese website a few years ago when my gravestone photographs were mentioned, I didn't look properly. I forget a lot of things Gerry, I htink it was Bit mentioned all the gravestones I had put online at that time. Back then, it was 170,000 photographs of churches and gravestones
I did not join Wild Geese as some attempt to 'advertise' myself as a Professional. I suffered a major head trauma in Jan 2011 and thanks be to God I am one of the lucky ones who recovered very well. Since then I've been diagnosed with haemochromatosis and this last week it seems I might have another little 'disease' to add to my lot so I don't go looking for research work. Currently, I do take some jobs, but they are few and far between. I get more pleasure out of helping some of my net friends, the one I want to help now is Edna.....she's just absolutely lovely, an older lady in Kansas and so long as I get a year of marriage from her then I will go through all the parish records for however many counties her unusual surname comes from and we'll cross out fingers and hope to God that I strike lucky....She would just love that.
I know your group does not welcome professionals 'selling themselves' or becoming members of your group and I respect that. I know that when a professional makes some mention of how they offer professional genealogical services on my Facebook page I get a bit 'upset' and tag on to their messages that from-ireland offers professional services as well.
I did not join this group as a manner of side 'advertising'. I joined because I wanted to like Jim (James) McNamara's blog and pass a comment.
I think probably Gerry, the most interesting thing about me is yes, I 'do' gravestones, but outside of that I have so many internet friends.......and honest to God, people who I do consider friends, some of whom I have met and some of whom I haven't.....and in the next few weeks, one of my internet friends is coming here and we're going to 'do' graveyards together. She has already written a book and when I was over at the publication of her book I laughed and said if we could put what you have and what I have together, we could probably bring tons of people home.
I'd like to put that in a blog's the heart of it, it's the love of's not the 'genealogical services' part.
The heart is what counts.
I'm very sorry for talking this much
Do you know what Bit..............the message I sent in reply to John's message re me has changed.
I said one thing and \I'm finding here that I said more........
I would be a huge asset, yes...........but agreeing to have some people decide whith3r or which the way my words would be said., not into that
Thank you though.
Founding MemberNollaig 2016 said…
Am I pro-life or pro-choice, I would have to say that I’m on the fence as are many. I think I would choose to die rather than abort a baby of mine, needless to say I’ve walked a mile in shoes of one who’s been very lucky in life. I think the right to choose works for both sides of the aisle. It can save a life (as in when pressure is put on a Mother with a developmental or psychiatric condition to abort) She has the right to choose. Or a life can be lost – The girl who goes to England to seek abortion due to the stigmatism associated with being an unmarried Mother or the woman who is financially unable to support this child.
I believe that as the stigmatism lessens so does the abortion rate. And in good economies does it lessen too. I wonder what the Stat’s are on this.
I am not anti Catholic but I do believe that there are many good reasons as in the US for separation of Church and State. Belinda
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