Time: September 5, 2014 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: Cornelia Street Cafe Greenwich Village
Event Type: labor, poets
Organized By: John McDonagh
Latest Activity: Aug 23, 2014
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I will be reading 2 poems about how from the front seat of my yellow cab I have been driving New York City crazy for 30 years.
Three Rooms Press presents The Monthly at Cornelia Street Cafe
Labor Par-tay!
A Look at All Things Labor: The Party, The Job, The Birth of a New Creation
Friday, September 5, 6 pm
Cornelia Street Cafe 29 Cornelia Street (between W. 4th & Bleecker) | 212-989-9319
Featured performers:
Randy Credico
2014 Candidate for NYS Governor and political activist
Jonathan Tasini
Publisher, Working Life blog, author, The Audacity of Greed
John McDonagh
Comedic political activist and WBAI radio host and producer
Lydia Cortes
Poet, author of Lust for Lust and Whose Place
Quincy R. Lehr
Historian, poet and critic, author of Heimat
Keep the spirit of Labor Day going (and maybe make summer last just a little bit longer!) as Three Rooms Press present Labor Par-tay, the latest edition of The Monthly, with performances by and about all things labor: The Party, The Job, The Birth of a New Creation.
Our featured lineup includes Randy Credico, 2014 New York State Gubernatorial candidate and political activist; Jonathan Tasini, publisher of Working Life blog and author of The Audacity of Greed, John McDonagh, comedic political activist and WBAI radio host and producer; Lydia Cortes, poet and author of Lust for Lust and Whose Place; and Quincy R. Lehr, Historian, poet, and critic, and author of Heimat Three Rooms Press co-directors Peter Carlaftes and Kat (not Cat!) Georges will co-host the event.
Friday, September 5, 6 pm
Cornelia Street Cafe
29 Cornelia Street (btwn W. 4th & Bleecker)
Admission $8 (includes a free drink)
Details: info@threeroomspress.com
LABOR PAR-TAY is the latest installment of The Monthly at Cornelia Street Cafe, a unique series curated by Three Rooms Press that brings together leading poets, intellectuals, performers and rebels on a different topic each month. THREE ROOMS PRESS is a New York-based, fiercely independent publisher inspired by Dada, Punk and Passion. CORNELIA STREET CAFE is a Greenwich Village institution offering live jazz and literary events 7 nights a week, plus delicious food and superb drinks
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