Just bought this DVD from Amazon. Looking forward to seeing the Irish backdrops and context for this love story, which, interestingly, showcases one American actor (Hilary Swank) and one Scottish (Gerard Butler). Anyone see this? (No spoilers please!)

Resources: IMDB

Tags: Dublin, Film, Ireland, New York, Wicklow

Views: 510

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I've seen this film, Gerry.  Not bad.  I'd give it three stars out of five.

Not especially 'Irish' but a lovely film.. More a 'chick flick' as my husband puts it.

I've seen it... was a sweet, entertaining bit of fun...

I just watched this about a week or so before Christmas. It was a pretty good movie, I laughed, and it left you feeling happy at the end : ) And the scenes from Ireland were beautiful and made my heart ache (as usual) ; )


Anything uniquely or inherently Irish in the story itself? (No spoilers, please!)

Did you have the chance to watch it, Ger?  I loved it.  Very sweet, although I would agree with Kelly that it isn't very Irish.  Probably the most Irish thing about it is that it is based on the novel of the same name that was authored by Cecilia Ahern, daughter of the former Taoiseach of Ireland, Bertie Ahern

Decent...sweet...not very Irish.  Most of the story takes place in the U.S.  Made the song Galway Girl very popular, which was great for Galway tourism.


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