Wish to review Dame Judi Dench film "Philomena"

Being new to this site, I have not been able to 'respond' to mail sent to me from this site, specifically the invitation for  members to review the upcoming major motion picture "Philomena." (Whenever I click on a link that is supposed to allow me to send email to this site, my computer asks for information which I haven't the answer to...thus, trying this avenue.  If anyone reading this knows a direct email address where I may send my information I'd very much appreciate hearing from you.)

To this end I offer the following, applying if you will, to review the film:

From Amazon.com:

The Banker's Greed
The Banker's Greed
by P. M. Terrell Edition: Perfect Paperback
Price: $15.26
42 used & new from $0.01
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Superior story,
"The Banker's Greed is seamless suspense, pulling the reader into its depths for a 'can't put it down' story. Early on, we are given a clue as to what we believe is coming, but then fate intervenes with an unforeseeable twist and more mystery.
The heroine, Jessie, is at times part waif, part super woman. Grant, the FBI agent, is a touching character, haunted by his own past but always spot on in his profession.
The conclusion is well scripted and unique, not the normal scenario of the good guys vs. bad.
An inspired collaboration for first timer T. Randy Stevens and famed author p.m. terrell."

River Passage
River Passage
by P. M. Terrell Edition: Perfect Paperback
Price: $14.60
28 used & new from $7.29
5.0 out of 5 stars Remarkable characters,
This book truly brought history alive. I felt the terror of the Donelson party when the Indians appeared on either side of the river, and their horror at the loss of so many in their group as they saw, or heard, the ways the Indians murdered the settlers. There were more graphic descriptions than I wanted to read, but I'm sure such text was mild compared to the real attacks in our nation's history.
P.M. Terrell allows her characters to tell a fascinating story through their myriad emotions; and how their many hardships along the way changed them forever. As the reader focuses on Mary Neely, we begin to feel as if we have stowed away in her heart and mind. We feel her yearning for the home she left behind. Our hands felt the pain that hers endured, for months, while struggling to do her part of keeping their boat on course. Mary's fear of what lay ahead was palpable, yet at the same moment she despaired of ever reaching their destination.
This is a brilliant work! I normally don't read in bed, but found myself nodding off during late hours with "River Passage." I literally hated to put it down. Now that I have finished, I will hurriedly be purchasing the next installment of Mary's story: "Songbirds are Free." This book will tell of Mary's capture by Indians, only 4 months after she reaches Fort Nashborough...it is sure to be an exciting read.

Luna's Life: A Journey of Forgiveness and Triumph
Luna's Life: A Journey of Forgiveness and Triumph
by Luna Kaufman Edition: Paperback
Price: $17.95
31 used & new from $0.01
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Overcoming Evil,
"Luna's Life" is a remarkable journey filled with tragedies as well as joys; the former would have destroyed a lesser woman, the latter? Her rewards for enduring with love and hope.
Luna made huge inroads within differing faiths. Teaching and professing her love of Christ, her family, and mankind. Precious family photos show a 'snapshot' of the ages and stages of Luna and her loved ones. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words...
Moving and inspiring, with gleaned historical accounts that must never be denied or forgotten. Thank you Luna for telling us your story and showing the world what one person can accomplish in their lifetime. You've done so much more than most...and personified love in the process.

I Am Says, You Are... Understanding Your Identity in Christ
I Am Says, You Are... Understanding Your Identity in Christ
by CJ Rapp Edition: Paperback
Price: $11.66
47 used & new from $0.01
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Love yourself-You're worth it!,
CJ Rapp has written a loving, inspirational, relevant devotional to feed the soul of any woman who reads it. I admit that I couldn't stop reading! Meant to be a daily devotional, I read ahead quite a few days; I felt encouraged, uplifted, and was reminded of the remarkable love God graces me with.
The day titled "You are Significant" spoke loudly to me as I'd recently begun to question my purpose on earth. Societal pressures teach us that money and possessions are THE signs of success. I live a very simple life in rural Vermont. While I have found the geographical place which is now 'home' - I continue a journey to discover who I am, emotionally. CJ wrote: "The measure of a person's life...is not having affluence, it is having influence." We all need to be reminded of that on a daily basis.
CJ, please consider a series of similar devotionals; I would treasure the lessons shared within each. Thank you for this one! :-)

I was asked by the authors p.m. (yes, she prefers her initials in lower case) Terrell, Luna Kaufman, and CJ Rapp to specifically review their books for Amazon.com.  The below links are articles I wrote which were published in The Army Times (Armor and Angels; Craig Morgan piece), and Irish-America magazine (piece about my little Irish grandmother).Armor%20and%20Angels%20-%20THE%20actual%20clip%20-07.pdf, ArmyTimes%20-%20Craig%20Morgan%208-06.pdf, Grandma%20Carrie.pdf.

I'm an American who has been blessed to be able to travel extensively, including living for two years in Fulda, Germany during the early 1980s (married to soldier stationed there).  Also, so very thrilled to visit Scotland and Ireland (the lands of my ancestors) during a short trip in 2007; I long to return for an extended stay.

Thank you for your consideration of my work, actually, it is a passion for me - never 'work.'


Cindy Butler
Bloomington, IL  61701    USA
309-706-2988 (cell #)

Views: 184

Comment by Gerry Regan on October 15, 2013 at 9:57am

Cindy, you can e-mail me via ger@TheWildGeese.com.


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