Wild West Tour-You won't forget your first time

I contend that there is no such thing as a "First Time" to Ireland for any of us who are of Irish descent or who love all things Irish. Which one of us has not pictured the green-grey waves splashing against those craggy cliffs ,the white washed cottages with thatched roofs ,or fields filled with sheep  wandering in fields dotted by stone fences?Which of us has not experienced a boat ride on a dark ,deep lake while a sea captain recites poetry? Which of us has not heard the pipes or fiddles  playing or felt our heart jump as ancient drums are beat around an evening campfire?  Which of us has not thrilled to the magic stories of fairies or the tale of old Queen Maeve told by a woman with an Irish brogue? Oh we may be lucky enough to one day actually travel to the beautiful place called Ireland,some of more than once,but the real "First Time ". will have already taken place in our hearts.

Tell us why YOU want to experience the ‘Wild West’ of Ireland, and you might win a free 9-day trip there, courtesy of Wild West Irish Tours and WOW Air. Get the details!

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