I just learned this morning about this beautiful Irish community on line and joined immediately. I am a retired single woman living in Ithaca,NY and have always been eager to know more about my Irish heritage.I grew up in Oswego,NY ,a city perched on Lake Ontario(one of the Great Lakes) and loved living next to a body of water. It's not the Ocean but it has its own allure--lots of grey skies and windy,rainy days. I love the very thought of Ireland and all it has to offer! I hope to learn so much more through this association.


Views: 205

Tags: On This Day, margaretd

Comment by Gerry Regan on May 18, 2015 at 3:40pm

Margaret, we're thrilled to have you with US. Please enter our ongoing "The 'Wild West' of Ireland: You Won't Forget Your First Time" contest and initiative. You have a chance to win a free trip to Ireland, including airfare. Here are more details, or get back to my colleague, joe@thewildgeese.com.


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