Supreme Court Rules Against Belfast Project Plea

There's been an update on the Boston College (Belfast) Oral History Project. Here's the latest from former project director Ed Moloney, sent out to subscribers to his blog yesterday (Tuesday):

The US Supreme Court today rejected a request from lawyers acting on behalf of Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre to hear their appeal against a lower court’s refusal to grant them standing in legal efforts to resist an attempt by the Police Service of Northern Ireland to gain access to IRA interviews archived at Boston College.

We began this fight almost exactly two years ago and all along the campaign has run on two tracks, one legal, the other political. The legal track has almost come to an end but the political campaign continues.

In recent weeks the United States government has been made aware of just how damaging to the political situation in Northern Ireland these interviews could be and how this PSNI request has both dubious motives and derives from a broader failure of the parties in the North to agree on a way to deal with the past in such a way as to allow the future to begin.

A few days ago the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Robert Menendez issued a statement in the form of a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry whose significance has gone largely unnoticed by the media. In that letter he referred to the United States’ role as “a steward” of the peace process in Northern Ireland while noting the potential of this PSNI action to “re-open fresh wounds and threaten the success of the Good Friday Accords." ...

Read Ed Moloney's groundbreaking October 2011 interview with WG.

Photo: Sinn Fein rally to support four IRA hunger strikers in a British prison, including Dolours Price, in Navan, County Meath, February 6, 1974. Photo by Gerry Regan.

Views: 247

Tags: Belfast Project, Boston College, Irish Freedom Struggle, News, Oral History

Comment by Bit Devine on April 25, 2013 at 4:27pm

There can be no good come from the PSNI getting their hands on those tapes. There has already been lines irrevocably damaged by the names provided in the Weston Park accord portion of the GFA. The Accord was never fully implemented and seems to have been used as a tool to further persecution of those who fought against British Tyranny


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