To be born on a Sunday was considered a sign of great sin during Puritan times; a “Sunday Baby” in the southern U.S. is an illegitimate child.

Want to know the day of the week you were born?

Views: 839

Tags: Genealogy

Comment by Rose Maurer on May 11, 2014 at 10:28am

Thanks Dee, I have always wondered about my day of birth, and as my Mum died in 1999, I have no one to ask. A really useful link - thank you!

Comment by Dee Notaro on December 20, 2015 at 12:21pm
Comment by Joan Dolan on February 28, 2017 at 6:08pm
I was born on Sunday and my Irish born mother Always had the poem- and Sunday's child is fair of face & loving & giving etc.
Comment by michael dunne on May 5, 2017 at 7:42am

Thank you Dee. I too think occasionally of my poor mother and my birth day which was a Wednesday and without doubt  'full of woe' I think she hung on for all she was worth, being alone in the world and not wishing her son to be born on April Fools Day. So being 'Full of Woe' is an acceptable compromise. Greatest mother any person could have.

Comment by michael dunne on May 5, 2017 at 7:50am

"To be born on a Sunday was considered a sign of great sin during Puritan times; a “Sunday Baby” in the southern U.S. is an illegitimate child."

Well I suppose according to our religion to be born on any day, not just Sunday, would be considered a sin, albeit legitimate. Is original sin legitimate? And whatever became of Limbo? Where did the Limbo Dancers hail from?


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