Research isn’t done for the sake of correcting errors. It should highlight people and events overlooked by conventional historians. For example:
My books are unique in another way. To be more realistic, they’re written in the Third Party Limited Point-Of-View. Just like normal people, each character can only reveal what they know, have experienced, or have been told. This puts the added stress on the author to find a way to bring additional facts into the story. For example: Lincoln made the following exclamation about Phil Sheridan’s short stature, “He’s the only man I know who can stand up straight and scratch his ankle.” Because I had to get Lincoln into my tale, and I knew he visited the wounded in D.C.’s hospitals, I added two characters. Named after my wife’s aunts from Skibbereen, Molly and Nellie McCarthy immigrated, and became nurses. Of course they served other functions, but their main purpose was to enable me to bring Lincoln into my tale.
I believe, as a member of The Blue, Gray and Green, I can add much to our knowledge about the Irish in the Civil War and throughout history, but describing battlefields isn’t one of them.
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