Learning How to Speak Like a Native Irish Speaker

Like any other language, the goal is to constantly aim for a higher level of written and spoken understanding. The path to this enlightenment can be achieved by taking the next step of predicting what native speaks would say in person, on the radio, or on television.To begin, one must first build a somewhat strong foundation from using the studying methods posted in the blog post “Building and Maintaining Listening Skills.” This task can be more difficult to begin since the goal is to accurately predicate how an Irish speaker would phrase things. With this in mind, start with the grammatical subjects that you’re best at with the goal of finding a sentence or sentences a native speaker would say. For example,  if you’re are best at identifying the various forms of the prepositional pronoun “do” and the present tense of the verb “déan” in this sentence:

Déanfaidh sé an obair duit.
He will do the work for you.

You could then record these sentences to help narrow down more phrases that that could be used by native speakers based on your best judgment:

Déanfaidh sé an obair dó.
He will do the work for him.

Déanfaidh sí an obair dí.
She will do the work for her.

Déanfaimid an obair duit.
We will do the work for you.

Déanann sibh an obair dúinn
You’ll do the work for us.

After you write these down try and carefully listen for any of these sentences or ones close to them at www.rte.ie or www.tg4.ie, or from an Irish speaker. If your sentences are heard or are close to what you heard, then you have succeeded. If not, the particular phrase but may still have been used but was not heard, or depending on your level of grammatical understanding, it may indeed be incorrect. In other words, this study method is meant to help you improve, even if you write incorrect sentences.

Views: 932

Tags: Gaeilge, Irish Language, News, Preservation

Comment by Gerry Regan on September 10, 2014 at 12:42pm

Interesting and appealing approach, David. Go raibh maith agat for sharing this.

Comment by David Joyce on September 10, 2014 at 1:56pm

Thank you, I appreciate it! There is more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.

Comment by Bit Devine on September 10, 2014 at 2:57pm

Those darn verb conjugations... in any language... will catch ya every time...Thanks, David!

Comment by Kelly O'Rourke on September 14, 2014 at 1:42pm


Comment by David Joyce on September 14, 2014 at 5:20pm

:} No problem folks!

Comment by Paul Thomas Meagher on September 21, 2014 at 1:17pm

Is brea liom do scriobhnoireacht, de ghnath, ach ta dearmhad agat sa shampla deiridh. Deanann sibh = you (pl) do. Deanfhaidh sibh = You (pl) will do ... Ach fagaimis e mar a ta se, b'fheidir?

Comment by David Joyce on September 21, 2014 at 3:33pm

Dia Dhuit a Paul,

Go raibh míle maith ágat don ráiteas seo. Tá an ceart agat!. Rinne mé dearmad :{. Scríobh mé an blog seo nuair a bhí mé tuirseach. Tá brón orm!  I will correct the answer now :}.

My apologizes everyone! I made a mistake while typing this late at night, Mr. Meagher is right. Here is the correct answer in standard Irish.

Déanfaidh sibh an obair dúinn
You’ll do the work for us.

Comment by Paul Thomas Meagher on September 22, 2014 at 2:23pm

Dia's Muire dhuit, a Dhaithi,

Maith fear, a chara. Lean leat agus ta suil agam go bhfuil tuilleadh le teacht uait. Go raibh mile maith agat ar do h-iarracht an Ghaeilge a scaipeadh. Iarrfhaidh me do chairdeas a lorg, gan mhoill.


Comment by David Joyce on September 22, 2014 at 8:57pm

Go hiontach! Tá áthas orm go bhfuil tú ag baint sult as an mblag seo. Tá a fhios agam go bhfuil sé deacair a fhoghlaim na Gaeilge. Sin é an chúis atá mé ag déanamh an bhlag. Is breá liom ag scríobh é freisin. 



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