Irish Brigade , Gerry Regan and P S Gilmore

Hello from Ireland to all . I havent posted anything till now and so I better introduce myself , as Jarlath MacNamara  origonally from a little town called Ballygar in Co Galway , where the Mr P S Gilmore { whose picture of 1869 is posted } {1829-1892 } origonated . For the last 6 years I have researched , collected , talked and presented his story to all that would listen here and in NYC {last year } But at some stage I stumbled across a group called the Wild Geese and Gerry Regan . Little did I realise the importance and help that Gerry and the Wild Geese would be to the story .  It seems that in 1992 the Irish Brigade Assos had arranged for a proclamation to be issued by NYC Hall Council  to commerate the memory of Gilmore and his contribution to both NY and America by celebrating Gilmore week in March of that year . Recently I have managed to relocate the Proclamation which is now permanently on display in the Public Library in Ballygar , Co Galway for all to visit and view . On behalf of the P S Gilmore Society in Ballygar , may I belatedy offer our sincere thanks for the efforts of all in that committee from the Irish Brigade , 20 years ago who visited Ballygar with the expressed wish to commerate this man who is quite possible the most well known of the Famine Emigrants in the 19th Century .   It is important that you realise that the work that you do is appreciated by us here in Ireland . So thank you to Gerry and his colleagues for their help

I should also point out that the Irishman who "refound" PS Gilmore in the late 1950's , Mr Michael Cummings of Milton Mass and formerly of Ballygar as well , died recently . May he rest in peace .



PS I will post the actual Proclamation Photograph after this .

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