Hello, Everyone, 

My name is Mary and I'm from County Cork, Ireland. I have just joined this great group and I'm still trying to find my way around the site. I heard of this group through the lovely Claire Fullerton and I want to say thank you to her. I am a published writer and enjoy crocheting when not writing. 

I have two gorgeous grandsons and being a Nana is one of my greatest joys. I am a Mum of four children. Please connect with me and give me a nudge if I happen to not respond.

I would love if you paid a visit to my writing blog and have a look around. The link is here if you wish to so. 


So that's it for now. Please say hello and during this troubled time in the world of the Coronavirus, stay safe and enjoy good health.

Mary Bradford

Views: 186

Tags: Arts, Introduction, Literature, Poetry

Comment by Liam McAlister on March 15, 2020 at 4:21pm

Welcome Mary. What aprt of Cork are you from? I'm living in Cobh :-)

Comment by Mary Bradford on March 15, 2020 at 5:08pm

Thank you, Liam.

I'm north of the county, Liam in Charleville.  

Comment by Liam McAlister on March 15, 2020 at 5:41pm

Not too far away, we 'll stay in touch. What are your historical interests or just Irish history & culture in general?

Comment by Joe Gannon on March 16, 2020 at 1:52pm

Welcome to the group, Mary. My wife and I went to the fair in Charleville back in 2015. We love to go to local fairs when we are over, usually in June. We are supposed to come over again this June, but right now that is certainly up in the air. Here's a photo I took that day.

Comment by Mary Bradford on March 16, 2020 at 1:58pm

Hi, Joe, thanks for dropping by my post. Yes, the Charleville Agriculture Show is always a packed event. I agree everything for the year is in turmoil. Keep safe and stay healthy. 


Comment by Mary Bradford on March 16, 2020 at 2:00pm

Liam, I like Irish history in general. I had a grand-uncle who went to New York and was a policeman there, I would love to know his story. My husband is very interested in history. Forgive me if I am slow to reply, I am still trying to navigate around the site, :) 


Comment by Richard R. Mc Gibbon Jr. on March 17, 2020 at 1:13pm

Welcome aboard Mary !  You will find many interesting folk around this site, all with information and curiosity in abundance. I teach history, martial arts and entertain with Irish Pub songs. This year we are a wee bit constrained in social celebrations, but in the McGibbon / Murphy household it is a traditional dinner with wife and son then we pull out the instruments and let loose with some ruckus tunes.  ;-)  Happy St. Patrick's Day to Ye !

Slainte   Rick  

Comment by Francis Matthew Haggerty on March 28, 2020 at 10:30am

Hi Mary, welcome. My Paternal family is from Glenbeigh, Kerry, my maternal side from Meath & Armagh.  I too love crocheting, though it has been many years that I have made fine gloves and dresses. Take care in these troubled times.


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