In the over 150 year history of the Congressional Medal of Honor, the United States Highest award for “conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of  life above and beyond the call of duty”, only 19 men have been awarded the medal twice. Among them is Marine Sergeant Major Daniel Daly, one of only two marines to receive the Medal of Honor twice for separate acts of heroism (see note below).

Daly was born in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York to Irish immigrant parents on 11 November 1873. He was slight of stature, only 5’6” in height and weighing 132 lbs, yet enjoyed an early reputation as a fighter, a reputation he would prove more than deserved.

Daly was part of the U.S. Embassy Guard in Peking when the Boxer Rebellion broke out in 1900. In one of the most memorable acts of that war, the Boxers surrounded the compound of the foreign legations in Peking and laid siege to it for 55 days. At one point, when German Marines of the German embassy were forced back, Daly by himself took a position in a bastion on the Tarter Wall and remained there throughout the night. Subjected to sniper fire and numerous attacks, when relieved in the morning Private Daly was still holding his position with the bodies of numerous attackers surrounding him attesting to his bravery and fidelity to duty. During the night as he defended his position with rifle and bayonet, Daly had heard the attacking boxers yell "Quon-fay"; when he asked one of the legations Chinese personnel what it meant he was told "a very bad devil". For this bravery Daly was awarded his first Medal of Honor.

Fifteen years later found now  Gunnery Sergeant Daly fighting in Haiti fighting against the Cacos. While on patrol the reconnaissance company of 38 men that Daly belonged to was ambushed by over 400 of the enemy while attempting to ford a river at night. Among the casualties was the mule carrying the company’s machine gun. After getting his men to a good position, Daly returned, alone and under enemy fire, to the river and searched for the gun. He found it, and was able to bring the gun and its ammunition back to the Marine position. Daly then took command of one part of a three pronged assault on the rebel position, killing 75 rebels and scattering the rest. As one of the two officers present noted, “Had one squad failed, not one man of the party would have lived to tell the tale. Gunnery Sergeant Daly, 15th Company, during the operations was the most conspicuous figure among the enlisted men.” Daly was awarded his second Medal of Honor.

However, Daly was not finished yet; there was still the incident for which he is perhaps best remembered for within the Marine Corps. In June 1918 at the battle of Belleau Wood in World War I, the Marines were under heavy artillery barrage and pinned down. At one point the now 44 year old Daly, led a counter-attack with a battle cry that has become Marine legend “Come on, you sons of Bitches, do you want to live forever?!” Later in the battle, Daly single handedly eliminated a machine gun nest with nothing more than his 45 pistol and grenades. In the course of the battle he was wounded three times. Daly was recommended through the Army for a third Medal of Honor and the New York Times reported that Daly's receipt of it was imminent. However, petty bureaucrats had capriciously decided that the recognition of extraordinary valor had an arbitrary limit of two and Daly was denied a third Medal of Honor though his actions as the most ferocious of the "Devil Dogs" of Belleau Wood richly merited it. Instead Daly was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the Navy Cross and France’s Médaille Militaire.

Perhaps the greatest tribute to Daly was paid by General Smedley D. Butler, the other Marine to be awarded two Congressional Medals of Honor, who called Daly “The fightinest Marine I ever knew.” Offered promotion several times, Daly declined once remarking  “I would rather be an outstanding sergeant than just another officer”.

At this time when we celebrate both the Birthday of the Marine Corps and the anniversary of the ending of WW I which in which we remember the service and sacrifice of all are veterans; no one epitomizes the spirit of both days better than Dan Daly.

Note: 5 other Marines received both the Army and Navy Medals of Honor for the same action.

Related Reading:

Irish Dominate Medal of Honor List

Views: 3114

Tags: American, Marines, Medal of Honor, Military History, United States, WWI

Comment by Jean Sullivan Cardinal on November 11, 2014 at 12:38pm

What a man!  Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Ryan O'Rourke on November 12, 2014 at 4:33am

Thanks for this piece, Neil.

Comment by Richard R. Mc Gibbon Jr. on April 30, 2017 at 10:05am

Just another Marine doing his duty, who happens to be Irish and tougher than a "bag of nails".  Slainte

Comment by Neil F. Cosgrove on May 7, 2017 at 9:49am

While I understand where you are coming form Richard, and no one has a higher respect for all Marines (staring with my father)  than I, to characterize Daly as "just another Marine" is a bit unjust.  One of my favorite Daly  incidents, found after I wrote this article, concerned some young Marine replacements  reporting to the front lines in France in WW I.  When told to report to Gunnery Sergeant Daly, one of the recruits exclaimed "You mean he exists?  I though it was just a story they told us in basic training like Paul Bunyan"  Even heroes have heroes.


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