New York -- Writer and director Jim Sheridan returned to his filmmaking roots Saturday with a 60-minute interview followed by a screening of one of Sheridan's numerous Oscar-nominated films, in this case, "In America." The event drew a full house, close to 400 attendees, to NYU's Cantor Film Center. Here, Jim, pictured left, draws one of numerous laughs from interview moderator Niall McKay, and the crowd.

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Heritage Partner
Comment by That's Just How It Was on December 26, 2014 at 10:38am

As a young director - Jim Sheridan rented my house in Bray  Co Wicklow  while he was producing the film ;My Left Foot , My; how he has thrived .

Comment by Gerry Regan on December 26, 2014 at 2:15pm

Mary, Jim is certainly a remarkable individual, modest yet ambitious, and a very talented storyteller. How did you find your time with Jim and Fran?

Heritage Partner
Comment by That's Just How It Was on December 27, 2014 at 6:02am

Gerry ; he was an absolute gentleman - I still have some of the pictures that he took for the movie .. Interestingly ;when I launched my book in Bray Co Wicklow I invited  the Countess and Earl of Meath to the local Library where I held it. 

They were very interested to learn that Jim Sheridan had rented my house at the time he was making the Film -My left Foot ; because the pictures I have of some of the scenes in the film were actually shot in their  Manor House . They too were very unpretentious ; stopped and chatted  with my family and friends. 

Another interesting feature of all of this was that my daughter in law Rosina knew the Countess as she like Rosina sings with the local choir in Bray Co Wicklow ..

Life and events take you to meet the most interesting of people  


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