Please use this thread to introduce yourself to your fellow Wild Geese. In particular, we would love to hear your Irish story. What are your ties to Ireland? Have you or are you in the midst of uncovering your genealogy? What are your particular Irish interests? The arts? Cooking? Literature? Travel?

Please tell us also about yourself. What are your occupations and hobbies? What are your goals and ambitions? Where are you from?

And finally we would love to hear what brought you to The Wild Geese and how can we help you uncover, share, and preserve your Irish Story!

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Thanks for sharing your background, Annie.  Most interesting.

Hope you'll join in the forthcoming ancestry / genealogy discussions here.  Have you joined the "Irish Ancestry" group yet?

~ Ryan

Just did.  Thank you for the invite.

My name is Rick Mc Gibbon and I joined a week ago. My families are both from Ireland; the Mc Gibbon's came from Glasdrummin in Co. Down and the Murphy's from Co. Cork. My wife's family came from Co. Antrim. I have traced my Mc Gibbon relatives back to around the late 18th century (1780's) and have tin type photos going back to about the 1860's (James Mc Gibbon married into a family that ran a photographic studio) and my great Aunt identified them for me. I teach at the local high school (history, government & international studies); I also teach traditional Shotokan Karate and to top it all off I also perform Irish Pub shows. Music has also been a big part of our family traditions. My wife and I with our son Sean, are looking forward to visiting Ireland. My wife and I have been there before and had a grand time of it. I am passing on our family stories and songs of the auld sod to our son Sean. The traditions continue on,..... Slainte !

Welcome to the "flock," Rick!

How fortunate you are to have those photographs stretching back so far.  I have nothing remotely close to that.  

When you say "Irish pub shows," are you talking about Irish traditional music?  Which instrument(s) do you play?

~ Ryan


I am a guitarist and singer of Irish folk songs or pub songs. I have been performing in bands for many years but now it is a one man show. I had a great treat my last time in Ireland as I played and sang at Kitty O'Shea's in Dublin. My son's favorite song is "Whiskey in the Jar" he may be joining the act in a few years.

Thanks for the question and it is neat for my son to look at these old photo's and see the family resemblance with all our members.

That is so cool that you got to play at Kitty O'Shea's!!  I stopped in there my last time in Ireland.

Aye, the Craic was 90 that evening.  Soft night outside but warm and welcoming inside.

Rick Mc Gibbon; a little about me - high school history teacher - martial arts instructor - Irish Pub song entertainer -wife is Nadine our son is Sean and the tradition carry's on.  Slainte !

My name is Niki Shields, and I'm excited to find this site. Both my mother's and my father's families trace their roots to Ireland. On my father's side, William Shields was sent to Barbados during the Cromwell years; he eventually made it to Virginia and his descendents ended up in Indiana, where I live. My maternal great great grandparents came from Fermanagh in 1880. In June I will be in Ireland as part of a grant I won. I will be visiting the places my ancestors came from and collecting stories about the people and history of those areas. I'll also try to hone my storytelling skills by posting on my blog and by getting advice from a storyteller in Northern Ireland.

I am a middle school teacher (language arts) in a small town in south central Indiana. I live on a farm with my husband and son; my parents and my brother and his family live on the property, too. My daughter is a graduate student at Indiana University. While my brother raises llamas and Irish wolfhounds and my parents have dogs and horses, we have several cats. My husband is retiring from teaching this year, but I have a good 12 more years to go. When I do retire, however, I hope to tell stories professionally.

I found The Wild Geese through a post on Irish Fireside. I am still trying to find out exactly why and how Rose and James (my great great grandparents) came to the US, and I want to collect as many stories pertaining to them and my other Irish ancestors as I can, and I hope this site can help me with that. If I can help anyone in their search, I would be happy to do so.
Welcome to the group. I could not help but send you a note. I am an aging 5 or 6th generation removed from the "Homeland". One of my dearest childhood friends, here in upstate NY was Billy Shields. I feel a kinship already. Enjoy your trip home, my wife and I plan to attend a Clan gathering in July. The O'Days will be meeting in Clare.
Once again welcome
Tom O'D McGrath. Aka blackthorn
Brunswick, NY

Welcome to The Wild Geese community, Niki,  Thanks for that background about your ancestors.  Congratulations on being awarded that grant for the trip to Ireland.  You'll be visiting Fermanagh, then.  What else is on your itinerary?

Hope you'll share some of your stories via a few blog posts here.  We'd love to hear all about your adventures and findings.

Is your brother a wolfhound breeder?  We have a wolfhound called Tadhg, and he's a typical big, affectionate goofball. :-)

~ Ryan

Good Evening everyone!!

My name is Bianca Horkan (née Gallegly) I was born & raised and still living in Michigan.

Mom's side of the family are from Okinawa. Dad's side: Irish & German and probably English and Canadian as well.

I've been to Japan twice: Okinawa in 1978 and Kyoto in 1993. Ireland is still on my list -- hopefully, in the next few years.

Most recent genealogical lead for me: my branch of Gallegly's appear to be from Co. Cork and are of the O'Gallagher line. My Gallegly's came to America with our cousins, the Bailey's.

I'm quite excited to see if this new lead does in fact bear fruit for my tree! 


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