Appeal for Photographs of Fenians (19th/early 20th centuries)

Hi all, 

I am currently undertaking a project in conjunction with the National Library of Ireland to produce a photo history of the Fenian movement from 1858-1927. The project is called Conspiracy and will be published by Irish Academic Press. I wonder if any members would have photographs of family members who were involved with any of the following organisations:

1. The Fenian Brotherhood

2. The Irish Republican Brotherhood

3. Clan na Gael

4. Friends of Irish Freedom 

I am also interested in Fenian Canadian raids and any photographs of memorabilia you may have related to the Fenians. Any photographs of O'Donovan Rossa and John Devoy (particularly with reference to their removals from America to Ireland for their funerals) are also appreciated. If you would like to contact me about this project my email is and my website

Tags: Devoy, Fenian, History, Irish, Kenna, Library, National, Nationalism, Republicanism, Rossa, More…Shane

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I should note that all photographs included will be credited to their original source


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