Fàilte, Mike, to The Wild Geese. Got your call and will be calling you this afternoon. We appreciate your support, and all you've done to explore, preserve, promote and celebrate the epic heritage of the Irish, particularly their role in making the United States the great nation that it is today.
Nice to see you back in our pages, Mike. It seemed you were away for some time. BTW, Ned McGinley is now a member of The Wild Geese, as well. Perhaps you guys can team up and set up a Friends of the AOH group here. That'd be awesome.
I amended the description regarding the gold and silver that was looted from the wrecks. It now reads,
"Amid the shattered remnants of the wreckage of several wooden ships, the contents of smashed war chests, gold, silver and jewels, were looted and carried off by bands of scavenging, local inhabitants."
Thanks for pointing it out, and I believe that the story reads better now.
Hi Mike, my name is Doireann Ní Ghlacáin. I’m a researcher based in Dublin Ireland and I was hoping to get in touch with you about your blog post on Bridie Halpin and other work you’ve done. Could you pass on the best method of contact to send you an email? Go raibh maith agat
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Mike McCormack's Comments
Comment Wall (5 comments)
Fàilte, Mike, to The Wild Geese. Got your call and will be calling you this afternoon. We appreciate your support, and all you've done to explore, preserve, promote and celebrate the epic heritage of the Irish, particularly their role in making the United States the great nation that it is today.
Nice to see you back in our pages, Mike. It seemed you were away for some time. BTW, Ned McGinley is now a member of The Wild Geese, as well. Perhaps you guys can team up and set up a Friends of the AOH group here. That'd be awesome.
Mike McCormack
Re my blog about the Spanish Armada in Ireland.
I amended the description regarding the gold and silver that was looted from the wrecks. It now reads,
"Amid the shattered remnants of the wreckage of several wooden ships, the contents of smashed war chests, gold, silver and jewels, were looted and carried off by bands of scavenging, local inhabitants."
Thanks for pointing it out, and I believe that the story reads better now.
Again, thanks for the input.
John A
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