On the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, here are two different recordings of my song Prayer From Little Round Top, a song inspired by the story of a young irish immigrant who died there.

The Confederate soldier in this song left Connemara Ireland with his family when he was a boy. They had just buried his twin sister. In America the family settled in Alabama at the farm of an uncle where he grew up just in time to go and fight for new country during the American Civil War. He joined the 15th Alabama and was with them throughout their extensive battle experience.

James P. Gannon former Wall Street Journal editor and author of "Irish Rebels, Confederate Tigers" said,

Prayer from Little Round Top is the song one of the great Irish poets might have written had he marched to Gettysburg with Jeds Irish immigrant from Alabama. The melody seems to well up from some misty glen in Connemara, wrapping the soldiers sad story in a teardrop. It may mark me as a sentimental Irish man to say this, but if you can listen to this haunting song without finding your eyes moistening, then somewhere along life's way, you've lost your soul.

"Prayer from Little Round Top" is a song was inspired by reading of ship-lists and genealogy web sites, and by researching the history of the 15th Alabama. Author Rickey Pittman has written a short story based upon this song and the history. His book of short stories is called “Stories of the Confederate South” and you can find more information at his website http://www.rickeypittman.com/

Prayer from Little Round Top
© Jed Marum 2000

As a child standing by her graveside, I recall
many years ago, we said our last goodbye.
My loving twin sister Sarah left me that day,
torn away by hunger and the blight of ’45.
My father said the Lord would send a mighty wind
to fill our sails and take us ‘cross the sea to Americay
We left behind the pain and famine, we left behind
the land I love, and through the years I remember every day, and

In dreams I see the mountain tops of my lovely Connemarra
I hear the waves roll gently on the shores along the bay
I dream I travel home again
And I want to stay forever
And I only need a gentle breeze
And I’ll be on my way

From Ireland to Talladaga Alabama,
Carried on the wind, welcomed at my uncle’s farm.
Through the years now, I’ve learned new ways but little Sarah’s lovely face
I’ve carried in my heart since we were young.

When the bells rang I joined the 15th Regiment
fighting for my home and adopted country.
Many battles now I find myself on this Pennsylvania hilltop
I draw deep from gentle the summer breeze CHO

With a sharp crack from a Yankee rifle a bullet burns
deep within my chest and I’m sinking to the ground
and my eyes find the new horizon while musket fire is
passing overhead in waves of muffled sound.

FINAL CHO: Here I see the mountaintops of lovely Connemarra
I hear the waves roll gently on the shores along the bay
and I can see my home again
where I’m running free with Sarah
Now I only need a gentle breeze
And I’ll be on my way


Click here to listen Jed Marum singing "Prayer From Little Round Top" - at Soundcloud


Click here to listen Norman Morrisey singing "Prayer From Little Round Top" - at Soundcloud



Views: 1574

Tags: American Civil War, Confederate, Gettysburg, Immigrant, Irish, Little, Round, Top

Comment by Ryan O'Rourke on July 2, 2013 at 2:11pm

From my own home here in lovely Connemara, I say "Thanks," Jed.  Very nice.

Comment by Bit Devine on July 2, 2013 at 2:38pm

You've done it again, Jed, mo chara... Brought name & date to life as flesh & bone...

Comment by Joe Gannon on July 3, 2013 at 10:13am

Great stuff, Jed, thanks for posting it. Having seen those mountain tops of Connemara, it's easy to imagine anyone who grew up there longing to see them again if they had to leave.

By the way, some older computers won't display the link from Soundcloud that allows one to play the track here, so I put a text link to the page on Soundcloud for those people.

Comment by Jed Marum on July 3, 2013 at 10:40am

Thanks Joe!

Comment by Tiffany Silverberg on July 3, 2013 at 4:35pm

Thanks for sharing!


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