Xavier Society for the Blind
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  • Fr. John R. Sheehan, SJ


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An Evening With Rudy Ruettiger

Come spend an evening with Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger, motivational speaker par excellence whose personal story has inspired countless individuals worldwide.

The Xavier Society for the Blind is hosting Rudy, the famous Notre Dame player whose determination and enthusiasm was so strong they made a movie about him. His message is that no matter what your difficulties, never give up. He’s an inspiring speaker, and you can meet him and hear his talk at Manhattan's New York Athletic Club, on Friday, June 12, from 6:00p to 9:30 p.m. ET.

Photo: 'Rudy' Ruettiger on the sidelines of a Notre Dame football game circa 1975, in uniform #45. Courtesy of Rudy International

Rudy had a dream -- to go to the University of Notre Dame. And not just to go, but to play football. There were a few problems with this dream, however. He was not a brilliant student. He was not large enough physically for a football player. His parents were not rich, and he did not display any outstanding musical or artistic talents. Everyone told him he probably wasn't going to get in, much less every play football.

But Rudy was determined. He didn't get into Notre Dame, so he went to a neighboring junior college. He couldn't play football, but he got a job working at the stadium, then working on the team, and eventually he got a slot as a practice player. He was always at practice, he was always enthusiastic, he always did everything with high energy and determination and he was determined to never give up.

That attitude earned him the respect of everyone who knew him, and gave him the chance to play for one play in a Notre Dame football game. At the end of the game, the other players carried him off the field on their shoulders, the last time that has happened at an ND game.

Rudy took that attitude and determination, and made it the philosophy of his life. Not everything in life is perfect, and he will be the first to admit he made some mistakes. But today he is a world-renowned speaker, inspirational in his outlook and his ability to convey the meaning of his story to others.

We are honored to have Rudy with us, and I know you will be thrilled and inspired to meet him and hear him speak. To learn more and to purchase your tickets, visit our site, leave a comment here on our profile within TheWildGeese.Irish, or send an e-mail to chairman@xaviersocietyfortheblind.org. XSB

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Xavier Society for the Blind's Blog

Do You Think You Really Know Rudy? Come Meet Him!

Posted on June 9, 2015 at 12:00pm 0 Comments

So ... you think you know Rudy?

You know he went to Notre Dame, and through sheer perseverance he won a spot on the football squad. Because everyone admired his grit so much, he got to suit up for the last game of his senior year, and…


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