The Lark is a magazine for children containing stories, poems, artworks, riddles plays and more!

It is an independent ad-free publication with a strong focus on engaging young readers with characters and content they will come to know and love. Released quarterly, at the turn of the seasons, The Lark features regular segments on Authors from the past, Storytelling traditions, a fun look at the practices of philosophical enquiry, riddles and theatre.

The Story Of The Lark

The Lark Magazine seeks to offer a reading experience which can be embraced by readers of all ages, encouraging adult engagement in the reading, speaking and creating process for kids. Children are encouraged to share work of their own with kids around the world through the Kids Quills segment.

The Lark has a website which aims to compliment the reading experience, offering audio recordings of stories, plays, puzzles, and a Kids Gallery, and further extending concepts raised in the magazine.

The Lark is written/ edited /produced by myself, Anna O'Faolan, a mother of two young daughters. It is entirely self-funded and born purely out of the want to encourage young people to embrace the creative voice which makes each of us unique. I believe creativity should be welcomed as an essential part of our cultures, and that creative thinking, active engagement, enquiry, compassion and joy are integral to a happy future for the planet.

Views: 342

Tags: Children, Magazines, Storytelling


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