Feast your eyes on the natural beauty that Ireland has to offer. From amazing stone landscapes, to breathtaking cliff faces to picturesque lakes and more.

10. The Burren 


The Burren is a karst landscape region in Co Clare. It is one of the largest karst landscapes in Europe covering an area of 160 square km. It is truly unique to Ireland itself in the fact there are no bogs or greenery, only spectacular large pavements of limestone.


9. Gap of Dunloe


The Gap of Dunloe is a narrow mountain pass between the Macgillycuddy’s Reeks and Purple Mountain in Kerry. Within it are 5 spectacular lakes that are connected by the River Loe. The road through is narrow and difficult with large vehicles. The most popular form of transport remains a horse and cart.


8. Torc Waterfall


Torc Waterfall is at the base of Torc mountain in Co Kerry. The waterfall is formed by a river known as The Devil’s Punch Bowl in the mountains behind. You can walk up to the top of the waterfall, 60 feet up to take in the picturesque views.


7. Cliffs of Moher


These spectacular cliffs are located in Co Clare. They range in height from 120- 214 metres. They have become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Ireland and its no wonder why when you see these gigantic cliff faces up close.


6. The Giants Causeway


The Giants Causeway is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt rock columns located in Co Antrim. It is the result of a volcanic eruption. Most of the columns are hexagonal, the tallest are about 12 metres high.


5. Clew Bay


A natural ocean in Co Mayo containing 365 sunken drumlins, an island for every day of the year. Clare Island is the biggest of the Islands, most of the other smaller islands are uninhabited. Surrounding Clew Bay is Croagh Patrick and miles of sandy beaches, a truly picturesque place to visit.


4. Cathedral Rocks 


The Cathedral Rocks are on northern end of Inis Na Bro. They are spectacular rock formations that resemble a Gothic cathedral. Tearaght Island can be seen in the distance behind the rocks.


3. The Coumshingaun Corrie Lake


The Coumshingaun Corrie Lake and the surrounding Comeragh mountains are situated in Co Waterford. Coumshingaun is one of the finest examples of a corrie in Europe and the Comeragh mountains most famous landmark. Corries were formed by glacier movement during the ice age. This peaceful and tranquil spot is a fine example of the beauty Ireland has to offer.


2.  Macgillycuddy Reeks


Feast your eyes on the Macgillycuddy Reeks. MacGillycuddy Reeks (in irish Na Cruacha Dubha, meaning the black stacks) is a mountain range in Co Kerry.  They stretch over 19 km and have the highest peeks in Ireland over 1000 metres.


1. Dun Bristé 


Dun Bristé is an impressive sea stack, estimated to be approximately 50 metres in height, stands 80 metres off Downpatrick Head in Co Mayo. Take in the amazing views of Dun Bristé as you drive along the breathtaking Atlantic Coast.

This article was originally posted onTheIrishStore.com

Views: 1726

Tags: Antrim, Clare, Kerry, Living History, Mayo, Travel, Waterford

Comment by Fran Reddy on April 14, 2014 at 7:13pm

I would love to be able to say one day that I've seen them all : )


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