Hey! long time ago..forget about it!

So...one of the problems of studying my Irish past... is no one knows nothing. There is no great stories of the homeland. My relatives shared nothing good, great, or happy stories. They didn't even bother to share the region from where they were from. They simply didn't care, Who can blame them? They were leaving a horrible hell...looking at the U.S.A ...the promised land... they left Hell behind..they didn't look back...They left poverty, only to be confronted with a new hell... life aboard ship...to be left to one's devices to make the voyage in a unclean, lice infested, feces splattered, boat....sickened and starved and finally arriving to the new world. My guess, My Irish kin didn't care about the whole mess...and just wanted to start a new life....to leave the wretched past behind. For them, their kids were American now. Ireland was a distant nightmare. Food, drink, clothing, and work was why they came. The kids were Americans...with new futures...no one needed to bring up all the hurts, and angers of  the Irish past. For my great grandfather born in America, He was ready to to adapt and and make America his.

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