Irish composer Patrick Cassidy wrote a magnificent choral/orchestral work based on the Celtic legend - The Children of Lir.  It is available on iTunes and beyond.  The first North American tour (1995) of this work was launched in Boston with The Boston College Choir.  At that time I was writing for a local paper on the arts and was fortunate to meet this brilliant composer from Dublin.  The music is exquisite and I never tire of listening to it!  The work has also been transformed into a ballet.  Enjoy! 

Views: 866

Tags: Arts, Music

Comment by Bit Devine on August 15, 2014 at 3:00pm

I would love to see this in person! It looks amazing!

Comment by Ann V Quinlan on August 15, 2014 at 3:10pm

Comment by Gerry Regan on August 15, 2014 at 3:53pm

Ann, I don't see a comment from you above. Go raibh maith agat for sharing. I am embarrassed, but sure I'm not alone, to say I know nothing of the story of "The Children of Lir," and am hoping a fellow member might enlighten those like me.

Comment by Bit Devine on August 15, 2014 at 4:16pm


Perhaps she meant to write this in her comment section and not in her Status section:


Patrick Cassidy's music is astounding. He has also composed for several films

Look for Children of Lir music by him on iTunes

Comment by Ann V Quinlan on August 15, 2014 at 6:25pm

Gerry & Bit-

Sorry. Not sure why my comment did not sit in there!  This is a marvelous story  - has Greek overtones but it is purely Celtic Myth.  Basic story  is about the 4 children of an ancient king.  Their mother dies and the king remarries.  New wife very jealous of the king's love for his children and she cast a spell and turns them into swans.  I don't want to spoil middle and end.  It was a perfect story to be put to music and choral works for Ireland's wonderful young composer, Patrick Cassidy. I too would love to see the Ballet! Maybe it will come to USA. Patrick Cassidy is on a par with John Williams.  He (Patrick) has composed about 10 film scores and now lives in Los Angeles. Google him! 

Comment by Finola Mulholland on August 16, 2014 at 3:30am

My late father loved this story so much that I am named after the daughter of Lir. Three sons were Aedh, Fiacra and Conn. Having just listened to the clip above, I conclude that the music composed by Patrick Cassidy is hauntingly beautiful - baroque Classical reminiscent of Bach and his contemporaries. Will be looking for a CD !

Found this for you, Ger.

Comment by Ann V Quinlan on August 16, 2014 at 7:37am

Hello Finola.  Love that you are aware of the beautiful tale.  Yes.  The four names are often a question in examinations for Irish children.  We are a storytelling culture.  My Dad was on a kind of "brains trust" radio in Ireland program many years and naming the children question came up one time- he got them right!  I always loved the story, myself.  Will review the sacred text from Ger later.  Do  you have a Connemara Pony?  Looks like one!  Yes. Check out all of Patrick Cassidy's music.  He is a truly gifted composer. He and Bill Whelen (Riverdance and more) are two of Ireland's great talents along with some wonderful musical artists of all kinds. 


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