May 27th, sees the opening night of Cásca '16' -- a musical drama based on the events of the Easter Rising of 1916.

The production, penned by myself will be held at the South Birmingham College, For further information you'll find me on

Cásca'16 web page.

Is mise

Risteárd Sinclair

Views: 235

Tags: Arts, Drama, Easter Rising, Irish Freedom Struggle, Musicals, War


Comment by Gerry Regan on February 29, 2016 at 5:12pm

Risteard, might I suggest you post an event listing, using this link: 

Also include a good picture / poster image. Since it's quite a ways off, consider posting about the event every few weeks, perhaps exploring different aspects of the production, including a few Q&A interviews with your actors and crew.


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