Sheridan Film Retrospective Draws Hundreds -- and Jim Himself

New York -- Writer and director Jim Sheridan returned to his film making roots Saturday with a 60-minute interview followed by a screening of one of Sheridan's numerous Oscar-nominated films, in this case, "In America." The event drew a full house, close to 400 attendees, to NYU's Cantor Film Center. Sheridan is now focused on his next project, a film adaptation of Sebastian Barry's novel "The Secret Scripture." In attendance were at least eight members of The Wild Geese, including the interview moderator Niall McKay, chanteuse Mary Deady, writer and actor Brian Mallon, writer John Anthony Brennan, professor Jeanne D'Brant and The Wild Geese in NYC mainstays Gerry Regan, Mary Grady and Ann Marie Grady. WG member Nye Heron, who enticed Jim Sheridan to New York 32 years ago, was associate producer of "In America." Nye didn't make it.

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Views: 290

Tags: Arts, Drama, Film, Movies, NYC, New York, United States, Visual Arts

Comment by Bit Devine on October 8, 2014 at 3:32pm

A new film in the works? and a Sebastian Barry adaptation at that!

Good to see NWG well represented


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