'A Bloody Dawn: The Irish at D-Day' by Dan Harvey

This, the latest book by retired Lt Col Dan Harvey, represents an admirably huge amount of meticulous research and yet is highly readable. I had been aware that my own local regiment – The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry – had long connections with Ireland and that they had been involved in the extraordinary military operation known as the D-Day landings, but I had no idea that 10 percent of that regiment was actually Irish. Indeed, the numbers of Irishmen involved in the overall operation is staggering. The author covers every aspect of the operation, from the planning and run-up, through the many aspects and individual battles of the landings, up to the final Allied victory and outcomes. He includes fascinating individual descriptive snapshots of the many Irish officers and men, recounting their place of origin, their roles and what happened to them. The book also contains very clear maps, diagrams and good illustrations. As well as being a thoroughly stirring read, this worthy book preserves for posterity the records of the many brave Irishmen who served during this pivotal invasion and to whom we own an immeasurable degree of gratitude. This is definitely one to keep on the book shelf.

DJ Kelly 
Author of: "Running with Crows – The Life and Death of a Black and Tan"

Views: 556

Tags: Book Reviews, History, War, World War 2

Comment by Joe Gannon on August 3, 2019 at 8:34pm

I just picked up this book at a bookstore in Killorglin, Co. Kerry in June. Haven't had a chance to read it yet, but will shortly. Thanks for the review. 

Comment by Michael Mullikin on September 29, 2019 at 2:52pm

Credit is due to the movie The Longest Day for Sean Connery's great portrayal of an Irish soldier on D-Day.


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