The stairway to heaven at Scellig Mhicil

Views: 113

Comment by Gerard Cappa on July 11, 2013 at 5:39pm

Brilliant, Rónán. I've been on the Great Blasket a couple of times, but never made it to the Scelig. Is there a regular boat trip, or did you organise it yourself?

Comment by Bit Devine on July 11, 2013 at 6:43pm

Love the perspective on this one, Rónán!

The boat trips are weather dependent but they run on a regular schedule. There are several companies which have them on offer. I am sure that you could also visit the island by private charter

Comment by Rónán Gearóid Ó Domhnaill on July 12, 2013 at 2:44am

Boats sail at around 10:30. The trip over takes anywhere between half a hour and an hour and a half. Expect to pay around 50 euro and you are usually back around 5pm so do not plan anything else that day. Its out in the open sea so be ready for sea sickness, Its a good idea to book in advance. We went from Portmagee. You need to bring hiking shoes, take your time going up and down and be aware that there are no facilities on the island. Its an experience. I would say it would be the highlight of any Ireland trip.


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