This is, in my opinion, one of the most quintessential of all Irish films.  I watched "The Field" a few years before moving to Ireland, and I understood the over-all gist of the film.  However, after living in Ireland for four and one-half years, I have a far deeper understanding of both the major themes and the minor themes of this story.

The movie was adapted from John B. Keane's 1965 play of the same name.  It was directed by Jim Sheridan and starred Richard Harris, John Hurt, Sean Bean, Brenda Fricker and Tom Berenger.

It is a sad movie, to be sure.  That having been said, it is authentic in its portrayal of the importance of land in the lives of people in rural Ireland.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who wants a glimpse into pre-Celtic-tiger Ireland, and even the way Ireland is still in some of its most remote and rural regions.

Tags: Connemara, Film, Galway, Mayo, Movies

Views: 970

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Truly shows the Irish fierce love of the land and the desprate lengths they will go to along with their loyalty to clan and family


Shocking ending! Haunting! Let's organize a virtual film festival to air such extraordinary depictions.

Completely agree that The Field is probably one of the best Irish films ever. I watched it when it first came out (I was about ten) and it really hit home for me because it was (I think) the first non kitschy Irish film I ever saw. No leprechauns, no charm, no musical numbers and not much in the way of luck. 

Have to agree with you Ryan, this is one great movie.  There is a scene with the priest, the American and Bull in the rectory when Bull recounts with so much regret and sorrow how he suggested to his father that his mother be left without the last rites until AFTER the harvest was taken.  And in that moment his father knew he would properly care for the field. If you can sit that scene and not be affected, how the land was more than life itself, then you are not quite human.  Thanks Ryan,


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