About a Protestant and Catholic who go into business together selling wigs in and around Belfast.  Some funny moments but listen carefully or you will miss them.  They can work together; they can play together; but at the end of the day, they go their seperate ways.















Views: 200

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I really enjoyed this film, Jean.  Didn't know how much to expect from it, but I was pleasantly surprised.  It did a fine job, I think, of giving the feel of what Belfast was like during "The Troubles" (with a bit of exaggeration, of course). Quite a few funny moments, as you've mentioned.  

Highly recommended ... FOUR STARS out of five.

This was really quirky - enjoyed it!

Love the set-up here -- something inherently humorous about toupees, and mix in an odd coupling of a Belfast Protestant and Catholic ... I'm intrigued.


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