As a young boy, I moved from County Tipperary to County Wicklow in the early 1950s. There, I was teased by local boys as a "stone thrower" from Tipp. I've heard it since, so I know it wasn't just used by those lads. Does anybody know the origin of the term, as applied to Tipperary men?

Tags: Diaspora, Ireland, Tipperary, Wicklow

Views: 698

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Paul, that's fascinating! Have you tried researching via Google or the like? BTW, I see Tipperary, Roscrea to be specific, is featured in the new film "Philomena," which we've reviewed here on WG.

Gerry a chara,

Your colleague, Belinda, already looked it up. Thanks. She went to a site named "Irish County Nicknames", if I recall, in Apparently everybody but me knew it was an old descriptor for Tipperary and its men (and women, no doubt). Always good to hear from you. I'm very much looking forward to watching the film "Philomena" Thanks for the review.

Slan go foill.


Are you aware of the "Stone Throwers Monument" on Tipperary Hill in Syracuse, NY?
It's a story in its self. Created out of the generosity of local pub owner, Peter Coleman. Coleman's rest & pub was and hopefully still is, the most popular place in that town..the intersection near the pub has to my knowledge the only traffic signal in the US with green lens on top. The monument is a life size depiction in bronze of a mom and dad looking up at the signal, their little boy is behind them with his sling shot plainly visible. The Irish kids in the neighborhood back in the day would shoot out the red lens until the City got the message. the Irish green was on top on Tipperary Hill, later a resolution was adopted to allow that one signal. The Colemans are still well regarded in the neighborhood. I was very happy on the day of the unveiling to be a guest of Peter Coleman, all of 25 years ago.
There is a much better writeup on Wikipedia Than mine.


I have learned, since my posting, that the nickname originated during the so-called "Land Wars" which went on in Ireland from the 1870s to the 1890s. Tipperary residents are remembered as being particularly militant and aggresive stone throwing agitators in that time.

The monument on Tipperary Hill in Syracuse, New York, was pointed out to me also and thank you for clarifying its history. My understanding is that the protests over the traffic lights were more generally inspired by Irish-Americans, not necessarily of Tipperary ancestry. The name of the hill on which the offending traffic light was situated is believed to pure poetic coincidence. Thank you and all others who have come forward with thoughtful and relevant answers to my casual question.


Paul Thomas Meagher


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