We at The Wild Geese understand that our passion for Irish History does not always measure up to our technical experience therefore we are extending a hand to assist in getting your stories told.  Our administration team will be posting some helpful tips on how to create engaging posts, upload and place images, add tags and promote your page to the world if you wish.  

In the meantime please post your questions here in the reply section and either a WG admin or another member will respond as soon as possible...we look forward to everything our members post so don't be shy.

Tags: help, tips, website

Views: 613

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1.  When I invite friends and individuals that I met to join, TWG, what is the process of inviting them and you knowing that it was me that invited them?  

For instance, say I want, Joe O'Connell to join.  I assume that he goes onto to TWG website.  He signs up, but how do you know that I referred him to TWG?

2.  Say I want to make an announcement of an Irish Event?  How do I pass this information on to you, and possibly have the event or group advertise on your webpage?

3.  How do I download pictures of an event that I have taken with my Android phone and pass these pictures on to display on TWG?

4.  What about having a Saturday morning session, say from 11AM to 1PM, as, "Chat time" or having a, "Teaching session?"

I want to promote this website in my area/sector of Annapolis, Crofton, Severna Park, Odenton, Davidsonville, Gambrills, Baltimore, etc.

Also, thank you so much for doing this....  especially for young SENIORS who need to catch up on the newest type of electronics and communication!!!


Hi Jack,

1.  We're glad you want to invite friends to join us!  Click "My Page" and then choose "Invite" to invite your contacts from email or social networks.  Of course you can also invite someone the old-fashioned way, by telling people you meet in person about The Wild Geese.  Either way, when your friend joins, he will fill out a short questionnaire.  One of the questions asks "How did you find out about us?"  He will enter your name.

2.  To announce an event, use the "Events" feature on the left side of the home page.  If you would like to advertize your event more prominently, email our team to discuss becoming a Heritage Partner.  We have very reasonable rates.  See more here:  http://thewildgeese.com/page/the-wild-geese-heritage-partnership

3.  There are several ways to send us photos.  The easiest for you might be to email them directly from your phone.  Read more here: http://thewildgeese.com/photo/photo/addByPhone    Alternatively, you can load the photos onto your computer.  I use an app called "Photo Sync" to do this.  Then you can upload them to our site by clicking "Photos" and then "Add."

4.  We do have chats about Irish topics.  Are you interested in a chat specifically about technical issues for using the site?  I like that idea. :)

Thank you so much for your offer to help promote The Wild Geese!  Do you belong to any Irish organizations?   Do you use any social media like Twitter or Facebook?

Looking forward to chatting with you again.


Hi Kelly,

Yes, I belong to the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Commodore John Barry Divsion, Annapolis, MD;

the Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council, Bowie, MD; and the Emeral Isle Club, Baltimore, MD (A club that holds Irish Jigs & Reels, including Clare Sets) 

In the past I have also networked with the Irish Embassy in Washington, DC, and various Irish events during the year.

I would like to review your email to me which I wish to thank you very much for and will get back to you shortly.

God bless,


Hi Kelly,

So that is what I have done.....I have given out the website: Thewildgeese.com and kindly requested those that wish to join, can state that the referral came from, "Jack Carey".  Most seniors do not want to give out their email to an Irish American Chatter like me, but they are certainly curious about their Irish Heritage and events that are going on in Ireland.

This week, I will attempt to, "Reach out" and find prospective customers that would be interested in advertising on the website.

I am definitely interested in, "Chats about technical issues!" Oh, including practicing them!!!!  As you might be aware, seniors need to practice...!!!

Thanks and God bless,


P.S. Why did you ask about the organizations I belonged to?

Hi Everyone,

Some of your general tech queries may be answered here:



Hi Kelly,

What a great job!!!  Thank you so very much.  When do you propose to have an, "On line chat" with how to do's, etc?

Talked to my Godson, Tim Flanagan, and his wife Donyce, has Grandparent's from Ireland.  Would you have any suggestion as to how Donyce can enroll as an Irish Citizen?

As to signing up commercial accounts, I should take a look at Heritage Site....  Will you be sending me portfolios of such so I can discuss with future members the prices, etc?

Again, thanks for your help!!


I would like to know how to start another thread (new subject) 

My name is Joan Austin and I am the great niece of Winifred Carney, James Connolly's assistant during the 1916 Easter Rising. I live in the United States and have kept a watchful eye on all the goings-on with the upcoming centenary.  Of great interest to me is Saving Moore Street, an ongoing issue but, one that could benefit immensely during this time.

A new video has been released in re Bond Purchase to Save Moore Street.


Thank you,



Joan, just go here: http://thewildgeese.irish/forum and toward the upper right next to your name (make sure you are logged in) you'll see a button that says "ADD." You click on that and it will open a window where you can start a new discussion. There will be a box for you to put in the title of your discussion, and one under that for the text. There are also some buttons just above the two boxes that allow you to do things like hyper link highlited text (the "link" button on the left) and or add a picture (the little picture icon that's 2nd from the left). 

Thank you so much Joe!

Hi Joe,

I spent a lot of time this morning adding a new topic and also commenting on it -- I have NO idea why my external links are NOT WORKING which are critical to both pieces... sigh... can you take a look at my posts and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks again,


Joan, I see that you posted a blog article, not a discuss. But I fixed the link there.

Oh heavens... thank you!  I thought I understood the site... :)

Oh... these two links are not working... would you check them please?  If this wasn't such an important issue I wouldn't be bothered... Thank you!

Please see below:


Published on Dec 2, 2015

Directed and edited by Marcus Howard. As the laneways of Ireland's 1916 history are about to be destroyed, a movement has begun by the diaspora and the Irish community to buy Moore Street back. Launched by the Lord Mayor of Dublin and Frank Allen in The Mansion House and with a number of relatives from 1916 the 1916 Moore Street Bond Scheme was launched. You have a chance to be able to buy back a piece of Irish history by buying a bond and not letting the street be taken over by a shopping centre in place of our valuable Irish history and heritage. 

Facebook: 1916 Moore Street Bond. 
Colorised photos: 
Thanks to Tony Nicoletti 1916 Easter Revolution in Colour
John O'Byrne Old Irish & World Photographs in Colour John
Facebook: Easter Rising Stories


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