Ok, I am certain that there are lots of folks reading these pages that know the answer, but just to re-assure me of what I learned in an Irish school all those years ago.

Am I correct in locating the embarkation point as Limerick?

Am I correct in naming the destination as France?

And who will name for me the leader of the Irish Wild Geese?

Thank you in advance.

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There were several embarkation points and the Wild Geese does not just refer to those who left for France after The Treaty of Limerick, but all Irish soldiers in the service of European countries, such as Spain and Austria between the early 17th century and mid 19th century.

Indeed ... and it has more broadly been applied to the entire diaspora.

Cuimnidh ar Luimneach agus ar Feall na Sasanach!"

Well for lads the learned it out of step, ye have an excuse.

But nevertheless, you failure to nail it leads me to wonder.

Why did they leave Limerick for France?

Put it another way, do you think that because the French called them 'wild geese', we can make all who left since like them by using the same name?

Further if the Gaelic Irish were so important in it's war against King Billy Goat and his Orangemen, where were they among the leadership of these 'wild geese' ?


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