Please use this thread to introduce yourself to your fellow Wild Geese. In particular, we would love to hear your Irish story. What are your ties to Ireland? Have you or are you in the midst of uncovering your genealogy? What are your particular Irish interests? The arts? Cooking? Literature? Travel?

Please tell us also about yourself. What are your occupations and hobbies? What are your goals and ambitions? Where are you from?

And finally we would love to hear what brought you to The Wild Geese and how can we help you uncover, share, and preserve your Irish Story!

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Brendan woods better known as barney from lisburn originally but lived in Newcastle  Downpatrick and now kilkeel co down ancestors came from Dundalk co louth near st bridgets stream,monascribe mountpleasant was the home address

I have posted details of that family of my fathers home

Thank you.

We have concentrated for many years researching our Logue ancestors here in the USA. We are now attempting to trace the family before immigration, prior to 1770. The Lisburn connection is a good lead. We will be making a genealogy "pilgrimage" to Northern Ireland in June. The info will be useful. (The accompanying photo icon is my Great, Great Grandfather, Sergeant John H. Logue, who served more than three years, in three seperate Pennsylvania Regiments during the American Civil War.)

you could try the census for lisburn will send you details later

I got my mothers  family details here logues lived in same area

Hello everyone, my name is Cathy Hicks. I have been researching my family for many years. In so doing I have learned that I am Scot-Irish. I am a direct descendant of the firs Bryan O' Bannon who came to America in the 1700's, My ancestry is through one of his many sons, Captain John O' Bannon who fought in the American Revolution. My line is as follows, 

Bryan O' Bannon

John O' Bannon

Joseph O' Bannon

Parmenas O' Bannon

Corella O' Bannon who married Anson Anderson Williams

Lucy Ann Williams who married L. B. Morris

Hallie Morris who married Thomas Jefferson Taylor, II (my great grandfather)

Thomas Jefferson Taylor, III (my grandfather) who married Verna Katherine Harvey

Patricia Ann Taylor m. Charles D. Brown (son of Maury B. Brown, Jr. and Lenna Burns)

I am interested learning more about my heritage, I have never been to Ireland but hope to travel there before I die. I enjoy reading about Ireland in both the historical and non-historical area. I have read, "How the Irish Saved Civilization" and immediately became even more proud of my heritage. I have always been proud of my heritage but even more so now. I have learned so much about Ireland while I was a History major during my years in college which continually fascinates me. I am looking forward to learning more.

O'Bannon is a name I never came across  at all here but all other surnames are popular here in Nr Ireland

We've written about Father John Bannon, who served as a chaplain in the Confederate army during America's Civil War:

Hello, my name is Joseph Doyle and I hail from the Boston ma. area. My Irish blood is from different parts of Ireland the best I can tell. My Grear grandfather Cornelius Doyle married Eliza O'connor in 1855 her parents were Charles O'connor and Mary ( Downing). In my research I can find them in America at different years and reports, but very little if not nothing in Ireland. All the chronicles I come across always just say Ireland and never a town or county.My grandfather John Charles Doyle married Josephine Gannon from Galway. My grandmother on my mothers side was born near cork her name was Nelli Walsh. I have found one Doyle relation that fought for the Union side in the civil war and one O'connor relation that fought for the confederate side. I've been to Ireland on several occasions and am returning next summer! As I travel around I always wonder if iam not treading on the same ground as my ancestors? There is a very big tug on my heart every time I visit it is very hard to explain especially to those of whom who are not Irish! Great site,TWG!

Welcome to the flock, Joe. I know well of that genetic tug, which you speak of in your introduction. Seems to me it's atavistic and part and partial to many an Irish heart. Slainte!

Hello, I am Phil Dietz, of McLean Virginia in the USA. I have been researching my Irish heritage and am most interested in the stories of my ancestors. I have visited Ireland in the counties of Cork and Kerry. I have inherited many of my genes from my grandfather, Skeets McKenzie, 1887-1944 from Western Maryland.

My original Irish ancestor was a fascinating lady named Honora O'Toole. Honora was a beautiful young Irish lady who was kidnapped by English seabarons from Cork in about 1700. She was brought to the colonies and sold at Annapolis as an indentured-servant ( white slave). Her buyer was a man named William Logsden who later fell in love with her and married her. They lived in Maryland and she was such a vivacious and strong-willed lady that she converted all of the family to Catholicism. Her daughter married a man named Durbin, and Rachel Logsden Durbin had a daughter named Sarah Durbin who married a man named Moses McKenzie and he was my sixth great grandfather and all of us are Catholic thanks to Honora O'Toole of Cork over three hundred years ago.

My grandmother Sarah Martin who married Skeets McKenzie in 1910, was born in Johnstown Pennsylvania from James and Sara Martin. They had both immigrated from Ireland to America in 1877 in the potato famine, out of necessity. I don' t know anything about their Irish ancestry.

I would greatly appreciate help from anyone in Wild Geese that could help me with my Irish genealogy. My ancestors left the lovely land unwillingly and I love and respect the Irish people.

Phil, fascinating story, indeed. Any progress to report the past two years?


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